Managing your data in IBM StoredIQ Data Workbench

IBM® StoredIQ® Data Workbench is a data visualization and management tool that helps you learn about data in your system and manage it for your business purposes.

IBM StoredIQ Data Workbench helps you find out how much data you have, where it is, who owns it, and when it was last used. When you have a clear understanding of your company's data landscape, IBM StoredIQ Data Workbench helps you take control of it and make informed decisions about your data and act on that knowledge.

Big data is a pervasive problem for the business. IBM StoredIQ Data Workbench is developed to help you learn about your data, make educated decisions about that data, and turn a dangerous risk into a valuable asset.

IBM StoredIQ Data Workbench can be used in the following ways:
  • Find specific data and collect it in infosets for assessing and acting on it:
    • Identify unused data that stays in the system for a long time.
    • Search for a specific format of files on the network for a defined time period. For example, search image files that were created in 2007, and see how much space these files take on the network.
    • Identify if and where a data source contains forbidden information such as credit card numbers, Social Security numbers, or other sensitive information.
  • Get a visual overview of the data, for example, of the number of objects and a breakdown of files per data source.
  • Act on the data, for example, perform cleanup activities.
  • Make selected data available for unified governance and enterprise-wide search in IBM Information Server.

Data cleanup scenario

Assess your data to find relevant sets of data that can be deleted from the data source. Use filters to identify content that no longer has business value. After the data is identified and collected in an infoset, you can apply a Delete action to the infoset and thus the data objects it contains. However, you might not want to remove the content immediately. Instead, you might decide to distribute detailed reports about the content eligible for depletion to lines of business, retaining the content for a certain period of time to wait for feedback. In this case, you can keep the content in place for the selected period of time, checking the modified date before actually deleting the content. Alternatively, you can move the respective data to a staging or quarantine area until it can be deleted.