Deploying cartridges

Before you can use a cartridge to detect new data in documents, you must upload the cartridge into the IBM® StoredIQ® application stack and make it available in a Step-up Analytics action.

About this task

The first two steps of this procedure do not apply to the system-generated GovernanceDataClasses cartridge.


  1. Upload or update a cartridge in the Cartridges pane.

    See Uploading cartridges for instructions to upload a cartridge. After the cartridge is uploaded, the cartridge is validated and information that is pulled from the cartridge is shown in the Details section.

    See Updating cartridges for instructions to update a cartridge. When you update a cartridge, you can skip step 2.

  2. Tie a cartridge to a Step-up Analytics action.

    Create a new Step-up Analytics action and select the appropriate cartridge. One Step-up Analytics action can use one or more cartridges as well as a cartridge can be included in more than one Step-up Analytics action.

    For the GovernanceDataClasses cartridge, which is available only if IBM StoredIQ is configured for synchronization with a governance catalog, the Governance Analytics action is automatically created. For details, see The Governance Analytics action.

    After the Step-up Analytics action is created, you can neither add cartridges to nor remove cartridges from the action.
  3. From IBM StoredIQ Data Workbench, run the Step-up Analytics action on an infoset.

    During this process, the analysis logic that is encapsulated in the cartridge is applied to the documents in the infoset that is selected for the Step-up Analytics. For example, the regex in the cartridge is run against the document content. The results of the analysis are then indexed to be available for quick searches through filters.

    Every cartridge for which you run a Step-up Analytics action adds to the full-text index. After a volume is reharvested or the Step-up Full-text action is run, these cartridges are automatically reapplied to ensure that the results of any Step-up Analytics action are still available in the index.

    When cartridges are reapplied to an infoset, documents that haven't been modified since the last run are processed only if a cartridge was updated. Otherwise, unmodified documents are skipped during processing.

    To search for analysis results from a cartridge, the data expert can create a filter by using the cartridge syntax. Filters for analysis results from the GovernanceDataClasses cartridge are automatically created.