barrier crossover algorithm

Decides which crossover is performed at the end of a barrier optimization.


Barrier crossover algorithm

API Parameter Name Name prior to V12.6.0
C++ IloCplex::Param::Barrier::Crossover BarCrossAlg (int)
Java IloCplex.Param.Barrier.Crossover BarCrossAlg (int)
.NET Cplex.Param.Barrier.Crossover BarCrossAlg (int)
OPL barcrossalg
Python parameters.barrier.crossover barrier.crossover
MATLAB Cplex.Param.barrier.crossover barrier.crossover
Interactive barrier crossover barrier crossover
Identifier 3018 3018


Decides which crossover is performed at the end of a barrier optimization. This parameter applies when CPLEX uses the Barrier Optimizer to solve an LP or QP problem, or when it is used to solve the continuous relaxation of an MILP or MIQP at a node in a MIP.

By default, CPLEX does not invoke crossover on a QP problem. On an LP problem, it invokes primal and dual crossover in parallel when multiple threads are available.

Tip: Do not use the deprecated value -1 (minus one) of this parameter to turn off crossover. Instead, to turn off crossover, use the parameter solution type for LP and QP set to the value 2, to search for a nonbasic solution.

Value Meaning
-1 No crossover deprecated
0 Automatic: let CPLEX choose; default
1 Primal crossover
2 Dual crossover