Administering IBM Content Manager from IBM Content Navigator

You can use a plug-in in IBM Content Navigator that enables you to administer IBM Content Manager over a secure Web connection.

About this task

IBM Content Navigator supports the following IBM Content Manager tasks:

  • Authenticating and authorizing users
  • Data modeling
  • Importing LDAP users.
Restriction: The following administration tasks are not supported:
  • Library server and resource manager configuration
  • Business Process Management.

To set up the administration of IBM Content Manager from IBM Content Navigator:


  1. Apply Fix Pack 3 to IBM Content Manager Version 8.5. In the Fix Pack 3 configuration window for Product components, make sure to select System administration web client to get the IBM Content Manager plug-in, AdminCMPlugin.jar, installed in your %IBMCMROOT%\webAdmin (Windows™) or $IBMCMROOT/webAdmin (AIX® or Linux®) directory.
  2. Register the IBM Content Manager plug-in in IBM Content Navigator:
    1. In IBM Content Navigator, click Plug-ins.
    2. Click the New Plug-in button.
    3. In the JAR file path field, type the path to the IBM Content Manager system administration plug-in JAR file, AdminCMPlugin.jar. For example, C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\db2cmv8\webadmin\AdminCMPlugin.jar or /opt/IBM/db2cmv8/webadmin/AdminCMPlugin.jar.
    4. Click the Load button.
      The IBM Content Manager System Administrator Web Client Plugin should display.
    5. Click Save and Close.
  3. Add the IBM Content Manager System Administrator Web Client Feature to a desktop:
    1. In IBM Content Navigator, click Desktops.
    2. Click the New Desktop button.
    3. Name the desktop, for example, admincm.
    4. In the Repository field, select your IBM Content Manager repository.
    5. Click the Layout tab.
    6. In the Displayed features list, select theIBM Content Manager System Administrator Web Client Feature checkbox.
    7. Click Save and Close.


As an IBM Content Manager administration user, you can now perform the following administration tasks on the IBM Content Manager desktop.
Create, manage, search, filter, and delete users (including LDAP users to import).
User Groups
Create, add users to, manage, search, filter, and delete user groups.
Create, manage, search, filter, and delete privileges.
Privilege Groups
Create, add privileges to, manage, search, filter, and delete privilege groups.
Administrative Privilege Sets
Create, add privileges to, manage, search, filter, and delete administrative privilege sets.
User Privilege Sets
Create, add privileges to, manage, search, filter, and delete user privilege sets.
Access Control Lists
Create, manage, search, filter, and delete ACLs.
Data Modeling
Create, manage, search, filter, and delete attributes.
Attribute groups
Create, manage, add attributes to, search, filter, and delete attribute groups.
Reference Attributes
Create, manage, search, filter, and delete reference attributes.
Item Types
Create, manage, search, filter, and delete item types. Item type definition, access control, attributes, document management, default storage, start item on process, enable records management options, retention, logging, auto-linking, foreign keys, user exits, and event subscriptions are available.
Link Types
Create, manage, search, filter, and delete link types.
MIME Types
Create, manage, search, filter, and delete MIME types.
Semantic Types
Create, manage, search, filter, and delete semantic types.
Media Object (XDO) classes
Create, manage, search, filter, and delete media object (XDO) classes.
System Modeling (read-only)
Search and filter lists of IBM Content Manager servers such as library servers and resource managers. Restriction: The interface cannot configure these items.
LDAP configuration
Configure an LDAP server that may be used to import users. Once this is set up, you can import LDAP users by using the New User option under the Users tab. Restriction: Note that this allows import of LDAP users, but does not configure the server to LDAP authentication. To configure the server for LDAP authentication, see Defining the LDAP configuration.
Log configuration
Configure logging and tracing for many of the components.