IBM Content Manager, Version 8.5      Supports:  Oracle, DB2, C++, Java

Setting table spaces for item or component types

As an alternative to setting table spaces using the system administration client, you can program your application to set table spaces using the Java™ or C++ APIs.

DB2 only: To put index and LOB attributes into table spaces that differ from the table's table space, the table's table space must be database managed rather than system managed. Because IBM® Content Manager uses a system managed table space (ICMLFQ32) by default, you cannot set an index or LOB attribute's table space when the table's table space is not set. LOB attributes must be put into a large DB2® table space.
Oracle only: Oracle supports multiple index and LOB table spaces.

To retrieve and set table spaces, complete the following steps:

  1. Connect to the content server using the DKDatastoreICM.connect() method. For dynamic table spaces, use a connection string of DYNAMICTABLESPACEINFO=TRUE. The connection string allows the getitemtype or listindexoncomp stored procedure calls to return dynamic table space information. Otherwise, the DKDatastoreICM.connect() method assumes static table spaces and defaults to DYNAMICTABLESPACEINFO=FALSE. For static table spaces, the table space values for the component type are stored in the following ICMSTCOMPDEFS columns: TABLETABLESPACE, DFTINDEXTABLESPACE, and DFTLOBTABLESPACE.

    Note that the library server configuration setting can override this option. Also, the option only affects display and XML export (not item type creation or the XML import).

    Alternatively, you can enable dynamic table spaces by calling DKLSCfgDefICM.setRetrieveDynamicTablespaceInfoDisabled(boolean bTurnOn). To verify whether DYNAMICTABLESPACEINFO has been disabled or not, call DKLSCfgDefICM.isRetrieveDynamicTablespaceInfoDisabled().

  2. Whenever you create or update an item type to add component type, you can call one of the following APIs to set table spaces at the component type level (item type is considered the root component type):
    Option Description
    API Purpose
    DKComponentTypeDefICM.setTable space(String) Sets the table table space, which is the table space for creating the table of the component type.
    DKComponentTypeDefICM.setIndexTable space(String) Sets the default index table space, which is the table space for the database indexes of the component type.
    DKComponentTypeDefICM.setLOBTable space(String) Sets the default large binary object (LOB) table space, which is the table space for the LOB attribute columns of the component type.
    DB2 always stores the indexes and LOB attributes according to the initial definitions of the table spaces, and makes all three table spaces read only after the item type or component type creation completes. Oracle allows the default index table space and the default LOB table space to be modified after the item type or component type creation completes (as the indexes and LOB attributes can be put to multiple table spaces).
  3. To retrieve the table spaces, you can call one of the following APIs:
    Option Description
    API Purpose
    DKComponentTypeDefICM.getTable space() Retrieves the component type table space.
    DKComponentTypeDefICM. getIndexTableTable space() Retrieves the index table space.
    DKComponentTypeDefICM.getLOBTable space() Retrieves the large binary object (LOB) table space.
    DKComponentTypeIndexDefICM.getTable space() Retrieves the index table space.
For more information about tablespace APIs, see the Application Programming Interface Reference.


Last updated: December 2013

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