Program Call Graph

The Program Call Graph shows the global relationships between a selected program and other components of the project.

Note: The graph wizard is presented in detail only in this section. For all the other graphs, only the specific options are presented in the respective sections.

To display the Program Call Graph, in Application Discovery Browser perspective, from the Projects list in the central part of the Explore Projects view, select the project that contains the resource for which you want to generate a Program Call Graph. For details on perspectives and their components, see IBM® AD Analyze Client Reference.

In the Mainframe Graphs section, to the right of the Explore Projects view, double-click Program Call Graph to display the wizard as in the following image.
Figure 1. Program Call Graph Wizard
Program Call Graph Wizard
The Available Programs area displays the resources available for graph generation. To filter the available resources, click one of the buttons to the left of the list to display only certain types of resources. Place the cursor over an icon to display a tooltip about the type of resource it will display and click it to display only the selected type of resource. To display the full name of the resource type, click the white arrow button to the left of the dialog window. Use the Name field to filter the contents of the list. Use the arrow buttons to move the resources between the Available and Selected lists. Then select the Call direction, that is, whether you want to see the programs and resources that are being called by the program (Forward), or those that call the program (Backward) or both. By default, the graph is limited to three levels. Modify if applicable then click Next.
Figure 2. Program Call Graph Wizard - selecting children
Program Call Graph Wizard - selecting children

The second dialog window of the wizard displays a list of children available in the selected programs. Select the children that you want to include in the graph then click Finish to generate the Program call graph.

AD Graphs tab presents the generated graph. Input nodes are displayed in blue. To navigate the graph, use the buttons in the graph toolbar, which is located in the upper right corner of the screen. (For details see Graphical Analysis Toolbar). To see details on the meaning of the elements of the graph, use the Legend button. For details on the graph legend function, see Showing the Graph Legend.

Note: For large, complex graphs you can choose to restrict the number of programs displayed: you can specify a program beyond which subsequent programs must not be displayed. According to the type of database used for the projects, restricted nodes are displayed differently. When working with OrientDB, restricted graph nodes are displayed in red and marked with a specific icon - a funnel. When working with SQL database, restricted nodes are displayed in red. Restrictions can be defined from Preferences window, for details on how to set these restrictions, see Call graph restrictions.

By default, a limit icon marks the nodes for which further analysis results are not displayed because of the limit set in the wizard. (highlight results that are cut short by the threshold option checked in Analysis Expansion Limit tab from Preferences window). If highlight results… option is not checked, all nodes that reach the level limit set in the wizard are marked with a limit icon regardless of whether further analysis results are available or not. The same criteria apply for displaying the limit icon in the Graph Inventory window.

AD Graph Overview window in the upper left corner of the screen presents an overview of the entire graph, which is useful when working with large graphs. For details, see AD Graph Overview Window.

AD Graph Inventory view presents a hierarchical list of all the elements in the graph. For details, see AD Graph Inventory View. Input nodes are displayed in blue.

In the Graph Inventory window, the names of the restricted nodes are displayed differently according to the database used for the projects. When working with OrientDB, restricted graph nodes are displayed in red and marked with a specific icon - a funnel. When working with SQL database, restricted nodes are displayed in red. Restrictions can be defined from Preferences window, for details on how to set these restrictions, see Call graph restrictions.

The Properties view displays the properties of the element that is selected from the graph. For details, see Properties View.

Graph element pop-up menu

The operations available in the pop-up menu of graph elements depend on the type of element selected. The following options might be available:

Graph edge pop-up menu

Click on an edge from the graph to select it then right-click to display the pop-up menu.

The following options might be available depending on the type of edge selected.
  • Override Resolution - available only for a red arrow edge (representing a dynamic call) in Job call graph, Program call graph, Program flow graph, Screen call graph, and Transaction call graph. Displays the Override Current® Resolution dialog. This function is available only for mainframe projects for which an OrientDB was set up. Currently, the Override Resolution function is implemented only for Cobol and Assembler programs.
  • View analysis source - opens the analysis source in the Editor window.
  • Show properties - shows the properties of the selected edge in the Properties window.

Navigating in the graph

In addition to the standard horizontal and vertical scroll bars, the Zoom, Pan, and Resize icons can be used to help move around the graph. Also, you can select a node and drag it to a new location. When a node is moved, all the connectors that are attached to it are changed to fit the new location.

Graph Layout Examples

In this section, an example of each type of graph layout is presented. The same data is presented in each layout type illustration.
Figure 3. Hierarchical graph layout
Hierarchical graph layout
Figure 4. Symmetric graph layout
Symmetric graph layout
Figure 5. Circular graph layout
Circular graph layout
Figure 6. Orthogonal graph layout
Orthogonal graph layout

Selecting graph elements

You can select multiple elements in the graph by dragging the mouse over the area to be selected. Different operations can then be performed on the selected objects such as printing, exporting.

Printing the graph

For maintenance purposes, the graph can be sent to a printer or to any other printing device connected to your computer.

To print the graph, from IBM AD Analyze client File menu, select Print or press "Ctrl+P".

The Print Manager window appears with the current graph shown. Click Print Setup in the upper left corner of Print Manager window to define the printing settings. Click Print in the upper left corner of Print Manager window to open the standard Windows Print window and print the graph.
Figure 7. Print the graph
Print the graph

Exporting the graph

In addition to printing, the graph can also be exported to different file formats.

To export the graph, from IBM AD Analyze menu, select Export Graph. The Export Graph window appears.
Figure 8. Export Graph
Export Graph

Image Area

In the Type field, select the type of file to be created. Supported types include *.jpg, *.pdf, or *.svg.

In the File Name field, the default file name and location is presented. The default file name is the name of the resource with the extension selected in the Type field. The default location is C:\Program Files\eclipse. Type in a new name for the file if applicable, and click Browse to select a new location for the file.

Image Content Area

Select one of the available options to define the image content.

Image Quality

Select one of the available options to define the quality of the exported image. A higher-quality image will, by definition, be larger in file size.

Size Area

Select one of the following to determine the size of the exported image:
  • Current Zoom Level, the image is created at same zoom level as currently shown in AD Graphs window.
  • Actual Size, the entire graph is printed at a zoom level of 100% regardless of the zoom level of the graph shown in AD Graphs window.
  • Fit in Canvas, the image is created with the entire graph shown in one page of the file.
  • Custom, the image is created in a size specified by the user. Enter the desired width and height for the image, in pixels, in the Width and Height fields.
Export as CSV file
Note: Export as CSV file option is only available for Program call graphs generated with forward or backward options. It is NOT available for a Program call graph generated for both call directions.

Select this option to export the graph as a CSV file. Use Browse to select the location where you want to export the graph.

Click OK to begin the export operation.