Model-driven development with RESTful Design

The top down with RESTful Design development method consists of multiple sequential phases in a project lifecycle, starting with project scoping, and continuing through the BPS modelset from data scoping, data Design, and Resource design, through to Generation and Implementation. The RESTful API Design Methodology provides a description of the Industry Models RESTful (Representational State Transfer) API Design Model (RADM) and a method for its use.

Its purpose is to:
  • Describe the RADM and its contents
  • Describe in detail the technical structure of the model and how it relates to other SOA Models
  • Detail how to use the model and how to extend the out of the box version for customer projects in IBM Rational Software Architect
  • Describe the technical specification related to API generation from the RADM
  • Describe the best practices applied in the RADM