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Task 4: Creating and using deployment configurations

You create deployment configurations for the decision service and use them to deploy RuleApps.

About this task

You create two deployment configurations for the decision service. Then, you use the configurations to deploy a RuleApp that contains the rulesets that are defined by the decision operations.

The deployment configuration contains all the information that is required for a deployment:
  • The RuleApp name, version, and properties.
  • Which decision operations to include in the deployment.
  • The ruleset properties and behavior.
  • The versioning policy.
  • The target server.
  • The type of deployment, either production or nonproduction. This choice has the following effects:
    • It filters the choice of target servers according to their type, identified when you create a server location.
    • As part of governance in the Decision Center Business console, only deployment configurations set to nonproduction are available if a release or change activity is not complete.

A deployment configuration is an artifact, so it can be published or synchronized with Decision Center.

Step 1: Creating a deployment configuration

You create a deployment configuration.


  1. Click Loan Validation Service, and in the Decision Service Map, click Create deployment configuration.
  2. Enter test deployment as the name of the deployment configuration, and click Finish.
  3. In the Decision Operations section, click Include decision operations.
  4. Click the Add button "" under Configured Decision Operations.
  5. Click Select existing decision operations.
  6. Select Loan Validation Service. It includes both loan validation production and loan validation with score and grade.
  7. Click Finish and save your work. The ruleset version policy is set to Increment minor version numbers, which retains the major version number and updates the minor version number. Also, in the Overview tab, you see that this deployment configuration is set to nonproduction.

Step 2: Deploying the decision service

You deploy the decision service.


  1. Click Overview > Proceed to RuleApp deployment. The Deployment Summary lists the operations to be deployed and the target server.
    Note: A warning is displayed if you are using the default Eclipse with JDK 8. In this tutorial, you deploy to the file system, so you can ignore the warning.
  2. Click Finish to deploy the decision service to your file system.

    A report opens and shows the results of the deployment. You see that one RuleApp that contains two rulesets was deployed.

    Deployment report

Step 3: Creating a second deployment configuration

You create a second deployment configuration.


  1. Right-click Loan Validation Service, and click New > Deployment Configuration.
  2. Enter production deployment as the name of the deployment configuration, and click Finish.
  3. Click the Decision Operations tab.
  4. Click the Add button "" under Configured Decision Operations.
  5. Click Select existing decision operations.
  6. Open Loan Validation Service and select loan validation production.
  7. Click Finish.
  8. On the Overview tab, select Production as the type of deployment, and save your work.
  9. Click Proceed to RuleApp deployment.
  10. Click Finish to deploy the decision service to your file system.


You have completed the tutorial. It showed you how to create and deploy a decision service.

To learn how business users interact with decision services, decision operations, and deployment in Decision Center, see the tutorial Exploring decision services in a governance workflow.

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