DVS Projects

You use Decision Validation Services (DVS) Projects to repackage the Scenario Service provider (SSP) and Decision Center archives.

The DVS Project is a container in Rule Designer that holds individual DVS customization activities.

You use a DVS Project to:

Creating a DVS Project generates a .project, visible in the Rule Explorer, along with its first DVS Customization (.sspc).

Within each DVS Customization, you use the Repackage action to:
  1. Repackage the archives with the information contained in the customization.

  2. Create the following files and folders:

    • build.xml: This file contains Ant targets to repackage the archives manually if you want to customize the build script.

    • The applicationservers directory: The location of the repackaged .ear or .war files. You are responsible for deploying these to your application server.

    • The rts-webresources and rts-bin directories: These directories contain, respectively, the files used in the repackaging of the Decision Center archives, and the messages.properties file that you must upload to Decision Center. Do not edit files in these directories because they are temporary directories generated by the Repackage action.

Sequentially, use the DVS Projects and the build.xml to complete any customizing work as follows:


Use the Repackage action or the build.xml to repackage the original archives with the files corresponding to your customization.


Repackaging overwrites the archives present in the DVS Project. By default, the repackaging uses the source .ear or .war files as a starting point each time, so keep all the formats in the customization for subsequent use.


After the files are repackaged, you are responsible for deploying them to your application server. Refer to the installation instructions specific to your application server.


See Custom scenario provider and parallel execution sample details for a detailed example.

DVS Customizations

To create a new DVS Customization within a DVS Project, you right-click the DVS Project and select Create a DVS artifact > Customization. This adds a .sspc file in the DVS Project.

You can create many customizations within a DVS Project, but the working practice is to create one for each application server to which you want to deploy.

In an individual customization, you specify the following information:
  • Configurations (*.smc): This section corresponds to the credentials and URL of the application server used for remote testing, and stores the path to the source archives for the SSP and Decision Center. You must be a user of either the resAdministrators or resDeployers groups in the application server to connect to the SSP.

    When you install Decision Center, the Decision Center archive is stored by default in <InstallDir>/teamserver/applicationservers/<appserver>/.

  • Rule Projects: You can enter many rule projects within a customization. Repackaging and deploying your customization adds the XOM of these projects to the SSP.

  • Formats (*.sfd): This section corresponds to the formats that define KPIs and scenario providers for testing and simulation. You can add many formats to a customization, including the default Excel formats, which you can import and edit. See DVS formats for a detailed explanation of formats.


You can use the formats and configurations in a DVS Project in several customizations.

The following image shows a DVS Customization with one configuration, one rule project, and the default Excel formats:

DVS customization editor