Step 1: Restricting database user permissions

Decision Center data is stored in a database. The database administrator might require that you provide the specific permissions that you need when accessing this database.

Note: This step applies when database access needs to be restricted. If you manage the database yourself (for example, you use an embedded database for test purposes) or if you do not need further restrictions, skip this step and proceed to the next configuration step.

Connection to the Decision Center database, established in the data source credentials, and any subsequent requests to the database are handled through a database user. This database user (name and password), for example rtsdbUser, is defined by the database administrator and has no relation to the standard Decision Center groups.

The following table gives the permissions that the database administrator must define on the Decision Center database, with attention given to the type of operations that you want to perform. Some supported databases do not require all the above permissions.

Database permission Operation
Use Decision Center Create the database schema by using the Decision Center console or Ant tasks Modify the database schema by using the Decision Center console or Ant tasks Migrate the database schema
ALTER TABLE Not required Not required Required Required
CREATE INDEX Not required Required Required Required
CREATE ROLE Not required Not required Not required Required
CREATE SEQUENCE Not required Required Required Required
CREATE TABLE Not required Required Required Required
CREATE VIEW Not required Required Required Required
DROP INDEX Not required Not required Required Required
DROP SEQUENCE Not required Not required Required Required
DROP TABLE Not required Not required Required Required
DROP VIEW Not required Not required Required Required
INSERT TABLE Required Required Required Required
SELECT SEQUENCE Required Required Required Required
SELECT TABLE Required Required Required Required
UPDATE TABLE Required Required Required Required