Unlocking decision artifacts

New in 8.10.5 When a rule or other decision artifact is locked, a user who has the right permissions can unlock the file.

About this task

When a user opens a decision artifact to change it, the file is locked to prevent other users from modifying the artifact during the editing session. Sometimes an artifact can be left locked. For example, a user might log out of the Business console without closing an artifact, leaving it locked.

The following users can unlock an artifact in the Business console:
  • Administrator: A user with the administrator role can unlock decision artifacts.
  • Activity owner: The owner of an activity can unlock artifacts in the activity.
Note: You cannot use this method on a locked activity. If you create a change activity before an existing one is completed and merged, the same rule might be subject to change in both activities. To avoid such conflicts, a rule that is being edited in a change activity is locked until the activity is completed and merged. You cannot unlock the activity manually.


  1. Log in to the Business console as an administrator or the owner of the pertinent activity.
  2. Open the branch that has the locked artifact.
    As the following example shows, a locked artifact is tagged with a lock icon:
    Image shows the lock icon.
  3. Hover over the locked artifact to display the Unlock button "".
  4. Click the Unlock button to unlock the artifact.
    The file no longer shows the lock icon. Now, the artifact can be modified by other users.