Arsuupdt DLL

When ARSLOAD loads a document, it makes two calls of the DLL.

  1. The Names call allows the exit to modify the following specifications:
    • application group name
    • application name
    • object server name
    • storage node name
    • DbField_date format
    • DbField_name
  2. The Parameters call allows the exit to modify the following parameters:
    • indexer parameters
    • viewer parameters:
      • logical record length
      • record format
      • control character type

The arsuupdt DLL must be stored in the /usr/lpp/ars/V9R5M0/bin/exits directory and must have the APF extended attribute turned on. The arsuupdt DLL must have an exported entry point of UPDTEXIT. A sample to compile and link the ARSUUPDC is provided in ARSUUPDJ in the SARSINST data set.

When compiling the ARSUUPDT C sample the following compiler options must be specified:
  • DEFINE(OS390)
  • DLL
  • RENT
  • Start of changeXPLINKEnd of change

The -E option must be specified to ARSLOAD before the exit will be called.

The exit can run in a threaded environment. The exit must be thread-safe.