xUnit support for Enterprise COBOL and PL/I

This customization task does not require assistance, but does require the following resources or special customization tasks:
  • PROCLIB update
  • LINKLIST update

Frameworks that assist developers in writing code to perform repeatable, self-checking unit tests are collectively known as xUnit. Developer for z/OS® provides such a framework for unit testing of Enterprise COBOL and PL/I code, called ZUnit.

Note: The ZUnit services documented here are superseded by the services offered by IBM® z/OS Dynamic Test Runner FMID HAL6100. Ensure that this FMID is installed and configured, and use the steps described here only if FMID HAL6100 cannot be used. Let your users know which configuration is available on your host system. Keywords that they recognize are BZUPPLAY for IBM z/OS Dynamic Test Runner and AZUZUNIT for the configuration described here.
Note: If you want to use the AZU* test runner, you must install XML Toolkit 1.10 or later version.
To use the ZUnit framework, developers need access to the AZU* and IAZU* load modules in the FEL.SFELLOAD load library, either through STEPLIB or LINKLIST. The ZUnit test runner, AZUTSTRN, in turn needs access to various system libraries, either through STEPLIB or LINKLIST:
  • CEE.SCEERUN and CEE.SCEERUN2 (LE runtime)
  • SYS1.CSSLIB (callable system services)
  • SYS1.SIXMLOD1 (XML toolkit)

The ZUnit test runner also needs access to a load library that holds the different test cases. This library is likely to be unique to a developer.

The ZUnit test runner, AZUTSTRN, can be called by the Developer for z/OS client in batch mode, from the TSO command line, and from the z/OS UNIX command line. When called in batch mode, the ZUnit test runner can be used to unit test programs that interact with Db2.
  • Developer for z/OS provides sample procedures, AZUZUNIT and AZUZUDB2, to simplify the calling of the ZUnit test runner in batch mode. The sample procedures are located in FEL.#CUST.PROCLIB, unless you specified a different location when you customized and submitted the FEL.SFELSAMP(FELSETUP) job. For more details, see Customization setup.

    Customize the sample procedures, as described within the member, and copy them to SYS1.PROCLIB.

    The name of the procedure and the names of the steps in the procedure match the default properties that are included with the Developer for z/OS client. If the name of a procedure or the name of a step in a procedure is changed, the corresponding properties file on all of the clients must be updated. You should not change the procedure and step names.

    If the procedures cannot be copied into a system procedure library, ask the Developer for z/OS users to add a JCLLIB card right after the JOB card to their calling job.
    //MYJOB    JOB <job parameters>
  • For calling the ZUnit test runner from z/OS UNIX (using the /usr/lpp/IBM/zee/bin/zunit script), you can specify the required non-LINKLIST data sets in the STEPLIB directive of zee.env, thus simplifying the setup for the developer.

    zee.env is located in /etc/zexpl/, unless you specified a different location when you customized and submitted FEL.SFELSAMP(FELSETUP) job. For more details, see Customization setup. You can edit the file with the TSO OEDIT command.

    The zunit script allows the user to specify data sets that will be added to the STEPLIB directive used by the script.

  • For calling the ZUnit test runner from the TSO command line by using the FEL.SFELPROC(FEKZUNIT) exec, the system libraries must exist in LINKLIST. If they do not, developers must specify the system data set names on every call instance of the ZUnit test runner. You can also write a wrapper exec that does the TSOLIB allocations of these data sets for them. You can use FEKZUNIT itself as an example of how to code this wrapper exec.
  • To start a debugger session at the test target source, EQAOPTS load module should be built and located in system search path like STEPLIB.
    Note: EQAOPTS load module data set needs to be put before the DT SEQAMOD data set in the search path. It should contain the following macro so that ZUnit would specify the name of target source:

The ZUnit test runner allows for automatic reformatting of test reports. z/OS Explorer Extensions provides sample conversions (for example, conversion to Ant or jUnit format), which are located in /usr/lpp/IBM/zee/samples/zunit/xsd and /usr/lpp/IBM/zee/samples/zunit/xsl, if you installed Developer for z/OS in the default /usr/lpp/IBM/zee location.