Creating a z/OS project

Follow these steps to create a remote z/OS® project.

About this task

For a video demonstration, see Creating a z/OS project.


  1. Open the z/OS Projects perspective.
  2. Right-click the white space in the z/OS Projects view.
    A menu opens.
  3. Click New > z/OS Project.
    The New z/OS Project wizard opens.
  4. In the Project name field, enter the name for the project.
  5. Choose one of the following options:
    • Create an MVS subproject: If you select this option, the New MVS Subproject wizard opens.
    • Create a z/OS UNIX System Services subproject: If you select this option, the New z/OS UNIX Subproject wizard opens.
    • Do not create a subproject now: If you select this option, the wizard closes and a new project with the specified name is added to the z/OS Projects view. You can add subprojects later.
  6. Click Finish.


Animation illustrating how to create a z/OS project