Specifying code coverage options in the startup key

When you run code coverage in the client or in headless mode, code coverage options can be directly specified in the startup key. In the case of the client, this allows the user to specify code coverage options prior to the creation of an Incoming Debug Session launch configuration. If the launch configuration already exists, then the startup key options override any settings in the launch configuration. In the case of headless mode, specifying startup key options allows the user to override daemon settings.

About this task

You can specify a number of code coverage options from within your JCL by including them in the startup key.

The startup key EQA_STARTUP_KEY contains four parts: EQA_STARTUP_KEY=<PARM1>,<PARM2>,<PARM3>,<PARM4>.

To enable code coverage, specify CC. To enable debug, don't specify.
Name of the program, usually the main module used to start the application.
Specify PARM2 to allow options to be set in the client's launch configuration.
Parameter=value pairs. Most of the parameters supported by the CC headless mode can be specified. If a parameter doesn't take a value, then use =true or =false
See the following examples for EQA_STARTUP_KEY:
  • EQA_STARTUP_KEY=CC enables code coverage.
  • EQA_STARTUP_KEY=CC,PGM1 enables code coverage and uses the Incoming Debug Session launch configuration assigned to program with the name PGM1.
  • EQA_STARTUP_KEY=CC,,testid=test01 enables code coverage and assigns the results to testcase test01.
  • EQA_STARTUP_KEY=CC,,testid=test01,savesource=true enables code coverage, assigns the results to testcase test01 and save source with the results

When a non-CICS debug profile is enabled in code coverage mode, a default code coverage startup key is included in the profile. Specifying a startup key in JCL is not required when a profile is activated in code coverage mode because the startup key in the debug profile supersedes the one specified in the JCL.

The following list of properties that can be specified on the startup key applies to running with the client. To get a complete list of properties supported by the headless mode, enter codecov -help from the command line where the headless mode is configured to run. The parameters must be in lowercase as in the table.

Property Valid Values Description
cclevel FUNCTION, LINE Code coverage level
ignoreerrors TRUE, FALSE Results are produced even if errors occur during the session. However, the results might be incomplete.
modulelist path The path to a file which contains the list of modules to include in a module level report.
moduleexcludelist path The path to a file which contains the list of modules to exclude from a code coverage report. Modules should be listed one per line, and the file may contain regular expressions.
startupcommandlist NONE, PREV, path The path to a file which contains debug startup commands. Commands should be listed one per line within the file.
savesource TRUE, FALSE Whether or not source should be saved for the code coverage session.
tag A string of alpha-numeric characters A list of tags to associate with the code coverage result. Multiple tags should be enclosed in quotes and separated by a comma (,).
testid A string of alpha-numeric characters Test id
timeout An integer Number of seconds to wait for a debug engine response before timing out. The default is 120 seconds. The session will terminate and results already captured will be saved. Specifying 0 (zero) will wait indefinitely.
view DEFAULT,SOURCE_LISTING,SOURCE_ONLY,LISTING_ONLY Choose the view to use when you save source.
  • DEFAULT uses whatever is the engine preferred view.
  • SOURCE_LISTING uses the source view first. When the source view is not found or is not available, it will default to the LISTING view.
  • SOURCE_ONLY only allows source views to be included in code coverage collection.
  • LISTING_ONLY only allows listing views to be included in code coverage collection.
  • DEFAULT is the only supported view option for Debug Tool compatibility mode.
  • DEFAULT and SOURCE_LISTING are the only supported view options for standard mode.


Edit your JCL and modify the startup key.
For example, to specify function level coverage:

// PARM.RUN=('/TEST(,,,TCPIP&&<IP_address_for_RDz_client>%<port_for_RDz_debug_UI_daemon>:*)')