Configuring email filters for inbound Internet mail

Configure email filters to allow users to receive email from people whose messages would otherwise be blocked or to block email that is not normally blocked but that your users do not want to receive.

About this task

You can create the following filters and specify their order to manage incoming email:
  • Address filters act based on the sender address. You can create multiple address filters.
  • Keyword filters are based on an email category. Newsletter is the only Keyword category currently supported.
  • Attachment filters apply to messages that contain attachment files. You can create one filter for each of the attachment categories listed in Table 1.

In addition to creating filters, you can customize the service spam filter by allowing email that matches the filter to be delivered to the Inbox or the Junk folder. Delivering email that matches the service spam filter to the Inbox is not recommended unless your company applies its own filtering software to mail before it is routed to the service.

The number of all filters, excluding the spam filter, cannot exceed 100.

The service malware, anti-virus, and phishing filters are not configurable and take precedence over all other filters.

Perform the following steps to configure email filters for inbound Internet mail.


  1. Log on to the service as an administrator.
  2. If your account also has the User role, click Admin > Manage Organization.
  3. In the System Settings section of the navigation pane, click IBM SmartCloud Notes.
  4. Click Account Settings and click Email Filters.
  5. To create a filter:
    1. Click a type of filter:
      Table 1. Types of filters
      Filter type Description
      Address Filter

      Use to filter by sender address.

      To allow or block email for a specific user, type the user's address, for example,

      To allow or block email for multiple addresses in a domain, use an address expression that contains one or more asterisks (*), for example, *

      To separate multiple address entries in a filter, type a comma (,) or press Enter.

      Each address or address expression must contain one at sign (@).

      Keyword Filter

      Use to filter by email category. The category that is currently supported is newsletter, which filters newsletters and other automated email.

      You can enable one newsletter filter.

      By default, the service delivers newsletters to the Inbox.

      Attachment Filter
      Use to filter based on email attachments. A variety of content is recognized for each available category. You can filter files in the following categories:
      • Application/executable files
      • Archive files
      • Image files
      • Video/multimedia files
      • Sound files
      • Text/document files

      You can enable one filter for each file type.

      By default, the service delivers non-spam messages containing attachments to the Inbox.

    2. Click a delivery option.
      Table 2. Filter delivery options
      Filter delivery option Description
      Allow Deliver mail that matches the filter to the Inbox.
      Filter Deliver mail that matches the filter to the Junk folder.
      Block Prevent delivery of mail that matches the filter.
    3. Click OK.
  6. To control the delivery of mail that matches the service spam filter, click System Filter, click Edit, and then click Allow, Filter, or Block.
    By default, the service blocks mail that matches the spam filter.
    Note: The Allow option is intended for companies that apply their own filtering software to mail before it is routed to the service.
  7. If you configure more than one filter, drag them or use the arrows to order them by precedence.

    The service evaluates the list of filters from top to bottom. The first filter that matches a particular message is applied to it, and that message is not evaluated further.

  8. Click Save Changes.


The changes take effect immediately.

Effort is taken to avoid the inclusion of legitimate email such as order and flight reservation confirmations, invoices, or other mail lists in the newsletter filter. However, if users consider an email that matches the newsletter filter or another filter to be legitimate, and you configure the filter to deliver matching email to the Junk folder, users can use the Remove Sender from Junk List option. Selecting this option delivers future email from a sender to the Inbox.


The following table provides examples of addresses that match and do not match rules in address filters.

Table 3. Examples of matching and non-matching addresses
Address rule Matching addresses Non-matching addresses

The following table provides an example filter configuration that blocks spam and then blocks the delivery of email that is sent from and

Table 4. Example of filter configuration that blocks spam and then blocks email from specific addresses
Number Filter name Rule Action
1 Spam: System Filter Spam as defined by the service Block
2 Addresses: Two renovations addresses 

The following table provides an example filter configuration that blocks spam, then blocks email from any subdomain of (for example, email from but not, and then allows newsletters to be delivered to the Junk folder.

Table 5. Example of filter configuration that blocks spam and blocks email from a subdomain and allows newsletters
Number Name Rule Action
1 Spam: System Filter Spam as defined by the service Block
2 Addresses: Renovations subdomains *@* Block
3 Keywords: Newsletters Newsletters as defined by the service Filter (deliver to Junk folder)

The following table provides an example filter configuration that blocks email from and, then allows all other email from the domain, and then delivers spam to the Junk folder. Email from that matches the spam filter is delivered to the Inbox because in this case processing stops after the second filter is applied.

Table 6. Example of filter configuration that blocks email from specific addresses in a domain, allows other addresses in the domain, and then delivers spam to the Junk folder.
Number Filter name Rule Action
1 Addresses: Two renovations addresses
2 Addresses: Renovations * Allow (deliver to Inbox)
3 Spam: System Filter Spam as defined by the service Filter (deliver to Junk folder)