The accept-language HTTP header

WebSEAL supports multi-locale capabilities by using the values that are contained in the Accept-Language HTTP header to determine the correct language for server-generated messages and pages.

The Accept-Language header can include more than one language. Each additional language is separated by a comma. For example:

accept-language: es-mx,es,en

The order in which the values appear in the header determines the hierarchy of importance. WebSEAL checks the first listed value to see whether it is a supported language. If it is not a supported language, WebSEAL checks the next language in the list. If no supported languages are found, WebSEAL defaults to English.

Note: The Accept-Language header can use a "q=x.x" attribute to express a preference level for a language. This attribute is not recognized by WebSEAL. The listed order of languages in the header determines the order of priority for WebSEAL.