Copying the JDBC driver

This topic describes how to copy a JDBC driver for the Oracle sensor.

Important: If you use TADDM 7.3.0, or, the Oracle sensor requires the classes12.jar file to be copied. Optionally, in addition to this file, you can also copy later versions of the driver, for example ojdbc7.jar, as described in the following procedure.
Fix Pack
2 If you use TADDM, or later, only one file is required. Copy the driver that is compatible with the latest version of the Oracle that you discover, for example ojdbc7.jar. Optionally, you can copy more versions of the driver.
To copy the JDBC driver, complete the following steps:
  1. Get the JDBC driver file, for example classes12.jar, or ojdbc7.jar file from the Oracle website or from the Oracle installation media.
  2. Copy the file to the following location:
  3. Add the name of the JDBC driver file to the Bundle-ClassPath entry in the MANIFEST.MF file of the OracleCommon sensor.
    1. Go to the $COLLATION_HOME/osgi/plugins/ directory and open the MANIFEST.MF file in a text editor.
    2. Check whether the Bundle-ClassPath entry contains the name of the JDBC driver that you want to copy. The following example shows the correct entry for the Fix Pack
8ojdbc8.jar file:
      Fix Pack
9Note: If the first driver is not compatible with the target Oracle database version and connection attempt fails, then the next listed drivers are also tried for connection if the corresponding driver files are present.
      Bundle-ClassPath: lib/oracle/ojdbc8.jar,
    3. If the entry does not contain the name of the driver that you want to copy, add the name manually as the first entry.
  4. Restart the TADDM server.