Updating authentication service LTPA keys

If you are using single sign-on with WebSphere® federated repositories, you must keep the authentication service Lightweight Third-Party Authentication (LTPA) keys synchronized with those used by WebSphere federated repositories.

If the LTPA keys used by WebSphere federated repositories are changed, use this process to resynchronize the keys used by the authentication service:

  1. Export the new WebSphere LTPA keys:
    1. In the WebSphere administrative console, navigate to Secure administration, applications, and infrastructure > Authentication mechanisms and expiration.
    2. For Cross-cell single sign-on, specify a file name and password for the file to contain the exported LTPA keys.
  2. At a command prompt, navigate to the bin directory of the appropriate WebSphere profile.
  3. Run the following WebSphere wsadmin command:
    wsadmin> $AdminTask importESSLTPAKeys {-pathname pathname -password password}
    where pathname and password are the values you specified for the file name and password when exporting the LTPA keys.
  4. Restart the WebSphere server.