Running a BIRT report from the command line interface

You can run a BIRT report from the command line interface of the TADDM server.

To run a BIRT report from the command line interface, complete the following steps:

  1. Open a command prompt and depending on the version of TADDM you use, navigate to one of the following directories:
    • 7.3.0: $COLLATION_HOME/deploy-tomcat/birt-viewer/WEB-INF/resources
    •, and later: $COLLATION_HOME/apps/birt-viewer/WEB-INF/resources
  2. Set the BIRT_HOME variable. Do one of the following:
    • On Linux®, depending on the version of TADDM you use, run one of the following commands:
      • 7.3.0:
        export BIRT_HOME=$COLLATION_HOME/deploy-tomcat/birt-viewer
      •, and later:
        export BIRT_HOME=$COLLATION_HOME/apps/birt-viewer
    • On Windows, depending on the version of TADDM you use, run one of the following commands:
      • 7.3.0:
        set BIRT_HOME=%COLLATION_HOME%/deploy-tomcat/birt-viewer
      •, and later:
        set BIRT_HOME=%COLLATION_HOME%/apps/birt-viewer
  3. Run the BIRT report. Do one of the following:
    • On Linux, run the following command:
      ./ -f format -o output -F parameters report
    • On Windows, run the following command:
      genReport.bat -f format -o output -F parameters report
    The following command-line options are used with the genReport program:
    The output format of the report file. Valid values are PDF and HTML.
    The path to the report file you want to produce. For example, /home/cognos/utilization.pdf on Linux, or C:\data\utilization.pdf on Windows.

    (Optional) The path to a properties file, where each property represents a parameter required by the report. For example /home/cognos/ on Linux, or C:\data\ on Windows.

    The following text is an example of the contents of a properties file:
    scope=All Windows Machines
    You must ensure that spaces in a parameter name are escaped with the backslash character. For example, if the parameter name is Snapshot ID Parameter, the entry in the properties file should be
    Snapshot\ ID\ Parameter=my_id
    The path of the report you want to run, with the string "compiled" appended to the name. For example:
    • On Linux and TADDM 7.3.0: $COLLATION_HOME/deploy-tomcat/birt-viewer/WEB-INF/report/taddm_server_utilization.rptdesigncompiled.
    • On Linux and TADDM, and later: $COLLATION_HOME/apps/birt-viewer/WEB-INF/report/taddm_server_utilization.rptdesigncompiled.
    • On Windows and TADDM 7.3.0: %COLLATION_HOME%\deploy-tomcat\birt-viewer\WEB-INF\report\taddm_server_utilization.rptdesigncompiled.
    • On Windows and TADDM, and later: %COLLATION_HOME%\apps\birt-viewer\WEB-INF\report\taddm_server_utilization.rptdesigncompiled
Note: The genReport command does not generate drill-through reports. Therefore, links in the generated report do not function.