Enabling the Esri map view

The Esri map view provides mobile workers with the geographical location of work orders in their current work list. Before mobile workers can get directions in the Technician and Inspector apps, the map view must be enabled.

Before you begin

For the Esri map service provider, you must have a license from Esri. For offline maps, ensure that the following requirements are met:
  • You must create maps that are compatible with and supported by the Esri map service provider.
  • The mobile devices that use the map view must have enough space for the offline map (TPK) files, which can exceed 1 GB.

About this task

The map view is disabled by default because map support in Maximo Anywhere is optional. Enabling the map view displays the map view icon in the work list. The work list corresponds to the work order position markers in the map view. You can enable the map view by editing the app.xml or by using the Anywhere Administration application if this application is enabled.

When you enable the map view, the updated app must be deployed as a new app version. Users must download and install the new app version from the server.

You must choose to use either offline maps or online maps, you cannot use both. For offline maps, the location and name of the TPK file must be specified. For online maps, the providerUrl property must be specified.


  1. From the maximoanywhere_home\Anywhere\MaximoAnywhere\apps\app_name directory, edit the app-feature.properties file and set the map.enabled property to true.
  2. Save and close the file.
  3. From the maximoanywhere_home\Anywhere\MaximoAnywhere\apps\WorkExecution\artifact directory, edit the app.xml and update the property for the map control.
    1. For offline maps, update the LocalMapUrl property with the location and name of the TPK file on the mobile device. Also, for iOS devices, update the iosMapAccessMethod property to use either the Documents folder or the bundle.
      • For Android devices, this folder location is androidLocalMapUrl="file://folder_path/map_file_name.tpk".
      • For iOS devices, this folder location is iosLocalMapUrl="map_file_name.tpk". You must also enter useDocumentsFolder for the iosMapAccessMethod attribute.
      • For Windows devices, this folder location is windowsLocalMapUrl="\folder_path\map_file_name.tpk".
    2. For online maps, set the providerUrl property. The value can be any valid ArcGIS tile service.
      If you do not set the providerUrl property, the user-defined TPK file is used. In the providerUrl property, the type of map is specified, for example, World_Topo_Map:
  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Build and deploy the application.

What to do next

The page size of the offline map data load to be displayed is defined in the Maximo Anywhere global property si.map.offline.pageSize, with a default value of 10000. The number of features to display in an offline map extent is defined in the si.map.offline.featuresLimit property, with a default value of 100000.