Importing multiple clusters

In PowerHA® SystemMirror® Version 7.2.4, or later, you can add multiple clusters to the PowerHA SystemMirror GUI at a time by importing a template file that contains details about the cluster. Adding large number of clusters in a single operation not only simplifies the task but also saves time.

The template file is in the comma-separated value (CSV) file format. An example template file follows.

<IP Address/Hostname>,<UserName>,<Password>,<ZoneName>
<IP Address/Hostname>,<UserName>,<Password>,<ZoneName>
<IP Address/Hostname>,<UserName>,<Password>,<ZoneName>

start of changeYou can edit the template file by using WordPad text editor or a spreadsheet tool. Ensure that you save the file in the plain-text CSV format after you make any changes.end of change

You can specify a hostname or the IP address for one node of each cluster that you want to import into the PowerHA SystemMirror GUI.

You must specify the user ID and the corresponding password that is used for Secure Shell (SSH) authentication on that cluster node. The user ID that you specify must have the root authority to add clusters. To add clusters as a non-root user, a root user must configure the sudo command to be used on one of the nodes in the cluster. For more information about how to configure the sudo command, see Using the PowerHA SystemMirror GUI with non-root users.

start of changeUsers can use an SSH password or a public SSH key for authentication of their user ID. Ensure that the SSH key is contained within a single cell. The SSH key must not span across multiple cells. An SSH key that requires a passphrase is not supported. Only RSA keys are supported.end of change

If the login credentials for all your clusters is the same, you can set the login credentials for all your clusters by specifying the login credentials in the DEFAULT LOGIN ID, DEFAULT PASSWORD/SSH KEY line of the template. Also, if you want to use the default credentials, you can specify the login credentials in the DEFAULT LOGIN ID, DEFAULT PASSWORD/SSH KEY line of the template. For example, to add all clusters as a root user, you can enter root in the default user name field. The default credentials can be overridden by specifying a different user name, password, or SSH key for the hostname in the subsequent rows.

Specifying cluster zones are optional. If you specify a cluster zone and if that cluster zone does not exist, the cluster zone is automatically created when you import clusters. If the cluster zone that you specified already exits, the cluster is imported and added to the cluster zone. If you do not specify a cluster zone, the cluster is added to the Unassigned clusters list. The unassigned clusters are visible to all PowerHA SystemMirror GUI users with the ha_mon role. Users must have the required privileges to perform operation on these clusters. For more information about roles and privileges, see Adding users and assigning roles.

To import multiple clusters to the PowerHA SystemMirror GUI, perform the following steps:
  1. On the navigation pane, click Health Summary corresponding to Health Summary.
  2. Click Add Multiple Clusters.
  3. Download and update the template file to add information about each cluster that you want to import.
  4. Upload the template file and click Continue to add clusters.

    If you want to download the detailed information about clusters that could not be added, click Export as Excel.