Top Line Metrics KPIs

Focus on the following key performance indicators when you are analyzing data in the Top Line Metrics report.

Buyer/Visitor Conversion
(Unique Buyers / Unique Visitors) The percentage of visitors that made a purchase within the selected time period.
Page Views / Session
(Tracked Page Views / Total Sessions) The average number of tracked pages that were viewed during a session.
Average Session Length
(minutes: seconds) The average amount of time that visitors spend on your website during the selected time period.
Bounce Rate
The percentage of visitors who viewed only the page on which they arrived before leaving your site.
Average Order Value
(Sales / Orders) The average dollar value of orders that were placed during the selected time period.
Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate
The percentage of sessions where items are placed into shopping cart, but an order is not completed.
New Visitor %
The percentage of visitors to your site during the selected time period who were first time visitors (or visitors who deleted the Digital Analytics cookies since their previous visit).
The number of non-commerce conversion events (for example, registrations, subscriptions, key downloads, call avoidance, lead generation, and so on) that were completed by site visitors. Events are defined by the conversion event tag.
Events / Total Sessions
(Events / Total Sessions) The average number of completed events per visitor session during the reporting period.
The total, tracked, and estimated anonymous revenue for your website during the specified time period.

Commerce Metrics show the impact of visitors and customers on sales, orders, and items.

Within the Summary Views are the following five distinct sections (Metrics):

Event Metrics
Contains data related to Conversion Events performance across a website.
Visitor Metrics
Contains a summary of visitors coming to your website.
Acquisition Metrics
Allow you to quickly review the ability of your site to convert new visitors.
Retention Metrics
Analyze your visitor and customer loyalty and repeat visitor and buyer conversion.
Activity Metrics
Includes a wide range of metrics used to show high-level visitor, customer, and session data.