Examples: Marketing Channels data analysis

You can use the data in the Marketing Channels report to help you adjust your marketing strategy.

The following examples show ways to use Marketing Channels data:

Track key performance indicators
Your marketing team might want to track metrics, such as conversion rate, bounce rate, % share of traffic, or sales, for each channel as key performance indicators. Monitor the performance of these channels to identify significant changes that might require urgent action. For paid marketing campaigns, use the Marketing Programs report to drill deeper and to help explain the reasons behind any change. Set targets to improve conversion, or expand the share of traffic from more cost effective channels such as Email.
Improve Qualified Traffic
Review the bounce and conversion rates of each marketing channel to help identify marketing campaigns that are driving unqualified traffic to your website. Using Paid Search as an example, it would then be possible to improve keyword relevancy using the Natural Search and Marketing Programs reports.
Compare channel performance against averages for verticals using Benchmark
To better understand the performance of your marketing channels for your website, compare your marketing channels performance and conversion against the marketing channel averages for a particular vertical and specific subvertical using Benchmark. Benchmark includes Direct Load, Referring Sites, Natural Search, Marketing Programs (MMC), and Paid Search benchmarks. Benchmark gives both the percent difference and a percentile ranking to identify areas for improvement where your website marketing channels are performing below the benchmark for specific KPIs. The marketing channels benchmark data is in the Vertical Compare module in Benchmark.