IBM FileNet P8, Version 5.2.1            


A subscription is a device for starting a user-implemented, server-side component that extends the core functionality of the Content Engine. A subscription is defined by one or more events, a target Content Engine object on which the events can be triggered, and an event action. When an event is triggered on the target object, the event action is run. For example, you can have a subscription that notifies you by email (event action) when documents of the "Code Module" class (target object) are created (triggered event).

For subscription code examples, see Working with Subscriptions. For information about subscriptions as implemented in an Administration Console for Content Platform Engine, see Subscribing to events.

Subscription Setup Requirements

A subscription is represented by a Subscription class, which is the base class for InstanceSubscription and ClassSubscription (for general subscriptions), and InstanceWorkflowSubscription and ClassWorkflowSubscription (for workflow-related subscriptions). A workflow-related subscription initiates a workflow and event action in response to events triggered on a particular object, or on any object of a particular class.

To start, you use a Factory method to create an instance of a subclass that is derived from Subscription. (You cannot create a base Subscription object, but retrieve only one.) After you create a subscription object, you define the following key properties:

In addition to the required properties, these subscription properties specify the following information:

For more information, see Subscription Properties.

Subscribed Events

When you create a subscription, you set its SubscribedEvents property to a collection of one or more system and custom events. If any of these events is triggered on the subscription's target object, the Content Engine runs the subscription's event action. For example, if you subscribe to a FileEvent object, filing a containable object in a folder or creating a subfolder runs an event action.

The system events that you can subscribe to derive from the ObjectChangeEvent interface. You can also subscribe to GetContentEvent, derived from the RetrievalEvent interface. If you need an event that's not already represented by a Content Engine system event, then you can create a custom event. Custom events apply to subclasses of the Subscribable class, and are triggered by calling the class's RaiseEvent method. For example, you might create a custom event class, then set the instantiated custom event object to the SubscribedEvents property of a subscription. To trigger the custom event, raise the event on the Subscribable object that is the target object of the subscription, which starts the event action in the subscription.

Note that the system and custom events that you can subscribe to can also be audited. For more information, see Subscribable and Auditable Events.

Event Actions

Event actions are code procedures that you implement to extend Content Engine functionality, and, which are run by using subscriptions. Event actions can also be started when you publish or republish a document. There are various use cases for event actions:

You implement an event action as a JavaScript or Java component, based on the Content Engine EventActionHandler interface or the RetrievalEventActionHandler interface. For a handler that is implemented with Java, you can package the class in a JAR file. You can then check in your class or JAR file as a CodeModule object in a Content Engine object store, or, alternatively, you can specify the Java event handler in the class path of the application server where the Content Engine is running. A handler runs on the application server that hosts the Content Engine. The Content Engine explicitly disables security access checks during execution of a synchronous or asynchronous event handler.

You make an implemented event action handler available to a subscription or to a publish/republish operation through an EventAction object. You can create and retrieve EventAction objects, and set and retrieve properties and permissions for them. To associate an event action handler with an EventAction object, you set the EventAction object's ProgId property, which identifies a JavaScript or Java component as the handler. If you check in a Java event handler to an object store, you must also set the EventAction's CodeModule property. You then set the subscription object's EventAction property to the EventAction object. For a publish/republish operation, you specify the event action name or ID.

Note that you can use both a subscription and a publish/republish operation to start two event actions on an object. That is, for a given publishable object, you can subscribe to PublishRequestEvent or PublishCompleteEvent to start one event action, and you can use the publish method or the republish method on the object to fire a second event action. In this scenario, the event action set in the subscription mechanism starts first, and the event action that is specified in the publish method or republish method starts second (if no exception is thrown from the first event action).

For code examples on implementing an event action handler and on creating an event action object, see Working with Subscriptions. For more implementation and deployment information, see Action Handlers.

Last updated: October 2015

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