IBM FileNet P8, Version 5.2.1            

Case Analyzer

Case Analyzer is a FileNet® P8 process component that monitors and analyzes case and workflow business processes. Case Analyzer collects data from event logs and audit logs and stores the data in the Case Analyzer store. OLAP cubes are generated from this data, and business process analytic reports are produced from the multidimensional information in the OLAP cubes.

In the Content Platform Engine environment, multiple object stores in a single database are supported. Similarly, multiple Case Analyzer stores are allowed with each Case Analyzer store dedicated to an object store. The Case Analyzer store and object store are identified and defined by database connection and schema name.

The database connection is an object that represents the JDBC data source connection to the database. The database connection enables object stores and isolated regions to share a database. Hence, within a single database, you can have multiple Case Analyzer stores with corresponding object stores.

Case Analyzer can be configured to service multiple Case Analyzer stores

Through Administration Console for Content Platform Engine, you can do the following actions:

  • Create a Case Analyzer store and specify the store name, store type, database connection, and schema name.
  • Configure Case Analyzer for processing of production or simulation data
  • Schedule event pruning and publishing intervals
  • Configure OLAP database integration to specify OLAP database host, name, user name, and OLAP connector host
Use the Process Task Manager to do the following tasks:
  • Specify and configure Case Analyzer settings to process workflow event logs for isolated regions
  • Define data fields so that you can use the values of data fields in Case Analyzer reports.
  • Manage the Case Analyzer store by processing OLAP cubes.
  • Manage the Case Analyzer store by initializing the store, pruning a region, and pruning events.

Case Analyzer store security requirements

To administer a Case Analyzer store, you must be a GCD administrator (gcd_admin). For more information about GCD administrative privileges, see GCD administrator.

Case Analyzer publishing in a high availability environment

Case Analyzer publishing is supported in a Content Platform Engine high availability environment. The Case Analyzer publishing service runs as a background process in Content Platform Engine and handles multiple Case Analyzer stores for each server instance. Content Platform Engine handles the load balancing that is provided through the web server cluster environment.

Last updated: March 2016

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