Setting up to copy volumes with FlashCopy or SnapShot

Follow this procedure to have IMS Cloning Tool initiate IBM® FlashCopy® or STK SnapShot via DFSMSdss to create the volume copies of the IMS system.

Note: To create volume copies with other tools, see Setting up to copy volumes with on-site mirroring tools.

Place the steps for performing this function within a job stream, typically in multiple locations for the steps to run at the appropriate times relative to the cloning activities. These steps are invoked with commands to a common program.

If multiple IMS Cloning Tool commands are supplied within the same step, command that results in a return code equal to or greater than 8 terminate the step. For instance, if the COPY and RENAME commands are in the same step, and COPY terminates with a return code of 8 because insufficient target volumes were found, the RENAME command is bypassed.

The following commands are available:
Locates the ICF user catalogs that point to the source-volume data sets.
Initiates the copies and captures the ICF source catalog data.
Renames and catalogs the target-volume data sets.
Deletes catalog entries from previous IMS Cloning Tool executions.

Several commands that are specific to cloning an IMS subsystem are not discussed in this topic. For information about these commands, see Cloning IMS subsystems.