EGL REST-RPC message structure

This topic uses EGL constructs to indicate how to access an EGL REST-RPC service from a programming language other than EGL.

EGL REST-RPC services use HTTP 1.1 and JSON-encoded data.

Request message

The HTTPRequest message has the following characteristics:
  • The header contains key:Content-Type with the following value: application/json. The method is POST.
  • In essence, the body of the message contains the following EGL Record definition in JSON format:
    Record EGL_REST_RPC_Request
       //name of the function to be invoked
       method string;
       //IN and INOUT parameters in the service parameter-list order
       params any[];

Response message after success

When the EGL service function returns successfully, the HTTPResponse message has the following characteristics:
  • The status code in the header is set to 200.
  • In essence, the body of the message contains one of the following two EGL Record definitions in JSON format:
    // For a response with one value
    Record EGLRESTRPCSingleReturnParamResponse
       result any?;
       error EGLRESTRPCResponseError?;
    // For a response with multiple values, as described later
    Record EGLRESTRPCMultipleReturnParamResponse
       result any[];
       error EGLRESTRPCResponseError?;
Response parameters include service parameters that are modified by OUT or INOUT, as well as a value returned from the service function. Here are the variations:
  • In the absence of any response parameters, whether OUT, INOUT, or return, the requester receives an empty JSON object.
  • If only one response parameter is in use, the requester receives a JSON object of type EGLRESTRPCSingleReturnParamResponse.
  • If multiple response parameters are in use, the requester receives a JSON object of type EGLRESTRPCMultipleReturnParamResponse. The result array shown earlier includes the response parameters in the parameter-list order and then the value returned from the service function.

Response message after failure

When the EGL service function returns with an error, the HTTPResponse message has the following characteristics:
  • The status code in the header is set to 500.
  • In essence, the body of the message contains following structure in JSON format:
    Record EGLRESTRPCResponseError
       error JSONRPCError;
    Record JSONRPCError
       name string;
       code string;
       message string;
       error EglRpcException
    Record EglRpcException
       name string;
       messageID string;
       message string;
       // the next fields are present 
       // if the type is egl.core.ServiceInvocationException 
       source? int; 
       detail1? string;
       detail2? string;
       detail3? string;
The fields in the JSONRPCError record are as follows:
The value "JSONRPCError".
The exception message ID.
The exception message.
A set of fields represented in the EglRpcException record. First is the name field, which contains the fully qualified name of an exception record; in most cases, "egl.core.ServiceInvocationException". The other fields are from the EGL exception, as described in “EGL exception records.”


Consider an EGL REST-RPC service that is structured as follows:
Service HelloWorld
   function emptyParams()
   function singleReturnParam( p1 string in)returns(string)
   function multipleReturnParams( p1 string? )returns(Wrapper?)
   function throwsException()

Record Wrapper
   text string;
   length int;

Here are examples of the content passed when a request succeeds:

No parameters:
   Request body:{"method" : "emptyParams", "params" : []}
   Response body:{}

One return parameter:
   Request body:{"method" : "singleReturnParam", "params" : ["Joe"]}
   Response body:{"result" : "Hello Joe"}

Multiple return parameters:
   Request body:{"method" : "multipleReturnParams", "params" : ["Joe"]}
   Response body:{"result" : ["Hello Joe", {"text" : "Hello Joe", "length" : 9}]}

The following example gives an abbreviated error message but otherwise shows the content passed when a service throws an exception:

   Request body:{"method" : "throwsException", "params" : []}
   Response body:
   {"error" : 
      { "name"   : "JSONRPCError", "code" : "EGL1539E", 
        "message" : "EGL1539E An exception occurred...",
        "error"  : 
           {"messageID" : "EGL1539E", "message" : "EGL1539E An exception occurred...", 
            "source" : 4, "detail1" : "500", "detail2" : "FAILED", 
            "detail3" : " refused", 
            "name" : "egl.core.ServiceInvocationException"