Setting preferences for Rich UI

Set the initial Rich UI preferences as follows:
  1. From the main menu, click Window > Preferences. The Preferences page is displayed.
  2. Expand EGL and then Rich UI. The Rich UI dialog box is displayed.
  3. In the Locales area, specify the locales that are available in the Rich UI editor and in the Rich UI Deployment tab of the EGL deployment descriptor. The settings are used for globalization. The availability of a locale means that you can invoke and deploy a Rich UI application that provides messages appropriate to the locale. For details, see “Use of properties files for displayable text.”
    To add a locale, complete the following steps:
    1. Click Add. The Create a new locale dialog is displayed.
    2. Specify a locale code and description.
    3. Specify a locale for the EGL runtime messages, which are provided by the EGL Runtime and are distinct from the messages included in a properties file that you customize.
    4. Click OK.
    To remove a locale from the list, complete the following steps:
    1. Double-click a locale entry
    2. Click Remove

    At the Rich UI dialog box, you can click a row to display the Edit Locale dialog. There, you can change the locale description and code and can select a locale for the EGL runtime messages.

  4. In the Metas area, specify the HTML metas that are available in the Rich UI editor and in the Rich UI Deployment tab of the EGL deployment descriptor. The settings are used for the deployed HTML meta header. The availability of a meta means that you can deploy a Rich UI application to an HTML file that includes those meta headers.
    To add a meta, complete the following steps:
    1. Click Add. The Create a new meta dialog is displayed.
    2. Specify the meta description.
    3. Specify the meta attribute and its content. The final generated meta header is displayed in the bottom preview section.
    4. Click OK.
    To remove a meta from the list, complete the following steps:
    1. Click a locale entry.
    2. Click Remove.
    To edit a meta from the list, complete the following steps:
    1. Click a meta entry, and then click Edit. Or just double-click a meta entry.
    2. At the Edit Meta dialog, you can change the meta description, attribute, and content.
  5. If you want to return the settings on the Rich UI dialog to the original product settings, click Restore Defaults.
  6. Click Apply to save your changes and remain in the Preferences page. Alternatively, click OK to save the changes and exit the page; or click Cancel to cancel the changes and exit the page.