Master list of all EGL properties

The following table lists all of the properties that you can use to modify EGL parts, variables, and statements.

The "Type" column contains internal EGL descriptions. They translate as follows.

Any of the following are simple properties:

Pseudo-properties are called ExternalType fields; unless they carry the (RO) designation, which indicates that they are read only, these ExternalType fields are the only properties whose values can be changed at run time.

The third column shows where the property is used. "Function" is a function within a container part such as a Program or Service, while a "Standalone function" is not contained within another part. "Variable" means not only a global or local variable of any type (such as primitives, record variables, or service variables), but also a field in a record (but not a structured record).

Table 1. All EGL properties and their uses
Name Type Used in
action Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable
addMethod Property field within eventListener
addSpaceForSOSI Annotation field PrintForm
alias Annotation Program, Library, Service, Interface, FormGroup, Form, DataTable, DataItem, Function, Structured record field, VGUI record
align Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, PrintForm field, TextForm field
allowUnqualifiedItemReferences Annotation Program, Library, Service, Handler
asBytes Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable
Atomic Annotation add statement
bidiInput Annotation FormGroup, Form field
bidiType Annotation DataItem, Record field, Variable
bindingKey Property field within bindService
bindService Complex Service
bottomMargin Property field within printFloatingArea or screenFloatingArea
bypassValidation Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable
callingConvention Annotation field NativeLibrary
callInterface Property field within dli
caseSensitive Annotation Record field, Dictionary
color Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, TextForm field
column Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable
columns Annotation Structured record field, Variable, PrintForm field, TextForm field
connectionName ExternalType field ReportData
containerContextDependent Annotation Function, Record
contents Annotation field DataTable
currency Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, PrintForm field, TextForm field
currencySymbol Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, PrintForm field, TextForm field
cursor Annotation Variable, TextForm field
data ExternalType field ReportData
dateFormat Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, PrintForm field, TextForm field
defaultPSBName Annotation field PSBRecord
defaultSelectCondition Annotation field SQLRecord
deleteAfterUse Annotation DataTable use statement
detectable Annotation DataItem, Variable, TextForm field
deviceType Property field within printFloatingArea or screenFloatingArea
displayName Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable
displayUse Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable
dli Complex Program, Library
dliFieldName Annotation DLISegment
dllName Annotation field NativeLibrary
eventListener Complex Variable in JavaObject stereotype
eventListener Annotation JavaObject
fieldLen Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, PrintForm field, TextForm field
fileName Annotation field IndexedRecord, RelativeRecord, SerialRecord
fill Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, TextForm field
fillCharacter Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, PrintForm field, TextForm field
formSize Annotation Form
getMethod Property field within javaProperty
getOptionsRecord Annotation field MQRecord
handleHardDLIErrors Property field within dli
handleHardIOErrors Annotation Program, Library, Service, Handler, VGUI record
help Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable,
help Annotation field VGUI record
helpForm Annotation field TextForm
helpGroup Annotation FormGroup use statement
helpKey Annotation Form, FormGroup, FormGroup use statement
hierarchy Annotation PSBRecord
highlight Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, PrintForm field, TextForm field
hostVarQualifier Annotation field DLISegment
i4glItemsNullable Annotation Program, Library, Record, Handler, VGUI record
includeMsgInTransaction Annotation field MQRecord
includeReferencedFunctions Annotation Program, Library, Service, Handler
indexOrientation Annotation Variable, PrintForm field, TextForm field
initialized Annotation Variable, Structured record field
inputForm Annotation field TextUIProgram
inputRecord Annotation field Program
inputRequired Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, TextForm field
inputRequiredMsgKey Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, TextForm field
inputUIRecord Annotation field VGWeb trans
intensity Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, TextForm field
isBoolean Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, PrintForm field, TextForm field
isDecimalDigit Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, TextForm field
isDeprecated Annotation Library, Service, Interface, DataTable, DataItem, ExternalType, Function, Record, Record field, Structured Record, Structured record field, Variable, VGUI record
isExternal Annotation call, transfer, or show statement
isHexDigit Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, TextForm field
isNoRefresh Annotation call statement
isReadOnly Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable
isRemoved Annotation Library, Service, Interface, DataTable, DataItem, ExternalType, Function, Record, Record field, Structured Record, Structured record field, Variable, VGUI record
isSQLNullable Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable
javaName Annotation field JavaObject
javaName Annotation JavaObject
javaProperty Complex Variable in JavaObject stereotype
javaProperty Annotation JavaObject
keyItem Annotation field DLISegment, IndexedRecord
keyItems Annotation field SQLRecord
leftMargin Property field within printFloatingArea or screenFloatingArea
lengthItem Annotation field DLISegment, IndexedRecord, SerialRecord, MQRecord
linesBetweenRows Annotation Structured record field, Variable, PrintForm field, TextForm field
lineWrap Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, PrintForm field, TextForm field
linkageKey Annotation call, transfer, or show statement
linkParameter Complex within linkParms
linkParms Property field (LinkParameter[]) within programLinkData
listenerType Property field within eventListener
localSQLScope Annotation Program, Library, Service, Handler, VGUI record
lowerCase Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, PrintForm field, TextForm field
masked Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, PrintForm field, TextForm field
maxLen Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable
maxSize Annotation Dynamic array
messageKey ExternalType field Prompt
method Property field within eventListener
minimumInput Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, TextForm field
minimumInputMsgKey Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, TextForm field
modified Annotation DataItem, Variable, TextForm field
msgDescriptorRecord Annotation field MQRecord
msgField Annotation Form
msgTablePrefix Annotation field Program, Library, VGWeb trans
name Property field within linkParameter or xml
namespace Property field within xml
needsSOSI Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, TextForm field
newWindow Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable
newWindow Property field within ProgramLinkData
numElementsItem Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable
numElementsItem Annotation field IndexedRecord, SerialRecord, MQRecord
numericSeparator Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, PrintForm field, TextForm field
openOptionsRecord Annotation field MQRecord
openQueueExclusive Annotation field MQRecord
onValueChangeFunction Annotation field DataItem, Variable
ordering Annotation Variable, Dictionary
outline Annotation DataItem, Variable, PrintForm field, TextForm field
packageName Annotation field JavaObject
pageSize Property field within printFloatingArea or screenFloatingArea
pattern Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, PrintForm field, TextForm field
pcb Complex Variable
pcbParms Property field within dli
persistent Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable
pfKeyEquate Annotation Form, FormGroup, FormGroup use statement
position Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, PrintForm field, TextForm field
printFloatingArea Complex within printFloatingAreas
printFloatingAreas Complex FormGroup
programLinkData Complex DataItem, Structured record field, Variable
programName Property field within programLinkData
protect Annotation DataItem, Variable, TextForm field
psb Property field within dli
psbParm Property field within dli
putOptionsRecord Annotation field MQRecord
queueDescriptorRecord Annotation field MQRecord
queueName Annotation field MQRecord
recordNumItem Annotation field RelativeRecord
redefines Annotation Variable
relationship Property field within hierarchy
reportData ExternalType field Report
reportDesignFile ExternalType field Report
reportDestinationFile ExternalType field Report
reportExportFile ExternalType field Report
resident Annotation field DataTable
responseAttr ExternalType field Prompt
rightMargin Property field within printFloatingArea or screenFloatingArea
rowSetSize Annotation Dynamic array, openstatement
runValidatorFromProgram Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable
runValidatorFromProgram Annotation field VGUI record
screenFloatingArea Complex within screenFloatingAreas
screenFloatingAreas Complex FormGroup
screenSize Annotation field within screenFloatingArea
screenSizes Annotation field TextForm
segmented Annotation field TextUIProgram
segmentName Annotation field DLISegment
selectedIndexItem Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable
selectedRowItem Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable
selectedValueItem Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable
selectFromListItem Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable
selectionList Annotation Record
selectType Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable
setMethod Property field within javaProperty
shared Annotation field DataTable
sign Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, PrintForm field, TextForm field
spacesBetweenColumns Annotation Structured record field, Variable, PrintForm field, TextForm field
sqlDataCode Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable
sqlStatement ExternalType field ReportData
sqlVariableLen Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable
tableNames Annotation field SQLRecord
tableNameVariables Annotation field SQLRecord
textLiteralDefaultIsString Annotation Program, Library, Service, Handler, Record, VGUI record
throwNrfEofExceptions Annotation Program, Library, Service, Handler, VGUI record
throwsExceptions Annotation Function
timeFormat Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, PrintForm field, TextForm field
timestampFormat Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, PrintForm field, TextForm field
title Annotation field VGUI record
topMargin Property field within printFloatingArea or screenFloatingArea
typeahead Annotation DataItem
typeaheadFunction Annotation DataItem
typeChkMsgKey Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, TextForm field
uiRecordName Property field within programLinkData
uiType Annotation DataItem, Structured record field
upperCase Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, PrintForm field, TextForm field
v60ExceptionCompatibility Annotation Program, Library, Service, Handler
validationBypassKeys Annotation Form, FormGroup, FormGroup use statement
validationOrder Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, TextForm field
validatorDataTable Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, TextForm field
validatorDataTableMsgKey Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, TextForm field
validatorFunction Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, TextForm field
validatorFunction Annotation field VGUI record
validatorFunctionMsgKey Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, TextForm field
validValues Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, TextForm field
validValuesMsgKey Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, TextForm field
value Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, PrintForm field, TextForm field
value Property field within linkParameter
valueRef Property field within linkParameter
verify Annotation Variable
verifyMsgKey Annotation Variable
xml Complex Function, Service, Interface
zeroFormat Annotation DataItem, Structured record field, Variable, PrintForm field, TextForm field