
This task is named egl.createInterfaceFromWSDL. The only attribute it requires is wsdlFile, and other attributes have default values. All these attributes are the same as the ones in the wizard.

Here is a sample listing:
<egl.createInterfaceFromWSDL wsdlFile="MyTase/WebContent/WEB-INF/wsdl/cs.wsdl/>

<egl.createInterfaceFromWSDL wsdlFile="MyTase/WebContent/WEB-INF/wsdl/cs.wsdl"


Attribute Description Required
wsdlFile The WSDL file path to create interface. The path is relative to the workspace root. Yes
enableBinding Specifies whether to create SOAP service binding. No, the default is true if the WSDL has binding information.
selectedPortTypes Specifies which portTypes are selected. No, the default is to select all portTypes, and multiple port types are separated by commas.
project The project to place the EGL interface file. No, the default is the same with WSDL file.
sourceFolder The EGL source folder to put the generated interface file. No, the default is EGLSource.
packageName The package to put the generated interface file. No, the default is services.
interfaceFileName The name of the generated interface file. No
interfaceEGLNames This indicates the EGL interface part name for the portTypes. Name list is separated by commas. No, it is the default for portType name
selectedFunctions Function list is separated by semicolon for each interface, and separated by commas for multiple portTypes. See the following example:
  • f1;f2,func;myfunc
Interface1 (portType1) has function f1 and f2, and interface2 (PortType2) has function func and myfunc. All these functions are generated to the EGL interface.
No, the default is to select all functions.
isForRUI Specifies whether interface is compatible to RUI. No, the default is true.
overwriteInterfaceFile Specifies whether to overwrite existing interface file. No, the default is false.
overwriteData Specifies whether to overwrite existing data. No, the default is false.
The following parameters only take effect when the default value of enableBinding is true.
Attribute Description Required
bindingProject The project for the SOAP binding. No, it is the default for the project.
bindingSourceFolder The EGL source folder to place the SOAP binding. No, it is the default for EGLSource.
bindingDeploymentDescriptor The egldd file name for the SOAP binding. Only the name is needed, without needing any extension (such as mydd). No, it is the default for project name.
selectedPorts By default, only the first port is selected. The WSDL Port list is separated by commas. No
bindingNames To specify the binding name in the egldd for the corresponding port, the name list is separated by commas to correspond with selectedPort. No
overwriteBinding Specifies whether to overwrite existing bindings. No