Viewing Drill-Down Reports

Many reports provide access to drill-down reports that provide more granular data.

If any drill down actions are available on a tabular report the user will know by right-clicking on a row of the grid and a context-menu will appear with any available drill-down actions.

To be available as a drill-down report:
  • All of the runtime parameters for the drill-down report must be available from the report that is being viewed.
  • If security roles have been assigned, you must have access to the drill-down report.

Modify the Drill-Down Reports Menu for a Report

By default, the drill-down menu for a report includes all reports with run-time parameters that can be supplied by attributes from the report, which is given the usual security role restrictions. To disable or enable any reports on the drill-down menu for a report:

  1. Locate the report. Go to the Report Builder finder menu.
  2. Click Drilldown Control to open the report’s Drilldown Control panel.
  3. Mark the checkbox for any report to be disabled, or clear the checkbox for any report to be enabled.
  4. Click Apply. The system displays a message saying your changes were applied successfully.
  5. Click Done when you are finished.