Linux and UNIX systems: Configure S-TAP from the GUI

View all S-TAPs managed by this Guardium system, manage individual STAPs, and perform a few operations on all STAPs.

About this task

Prerequisite: You must be logged in to the Guardium system that is the active host for the S-TAP.

Some configuration changes require that the S-TAP agent be restarted manually, as indicated in the parameter descriptions.

Sometimes a user is unable to make a decision during the process of installing an S-TAP or may make the wrong decision and it goes undetected until after the installation process is complete. For instance a user may forget to type in or use the wrong IP address when defining a SQL Guard IP. These types of mistakes can be remedied by modifying the S-TAP configurations.

Parameters in the GUI may be safely changed. Parameters that are not in the GUI rarely need changing and should normally be left unmodified; they are for use by Guardium Technical Support or advanced users.

If you have installed your S-TAP by using the Guardium Installation Manager (GIM), you can update some parameters through the GIM GUI or API.


  1. Click Manage > Activity Monitoring > S-TAP Control to open S-TAP Control.
  2. Perform operations on all S-TAPs in the page.
    • Refresh: refresh display of S-TAPs.
    • Add All to Schedule: add all displayed S-TAPs to the S-TAP verification schedule.
    • Remove All from Schedule: remove all displayed S-TAPs from the S-TAP verification schedule.
    • Comments: add comments. See Comments
  3. Identify the S-TAP to be configured by its IP address or the symbolic host name of the database server on which it is installed. View and perform operations on individual S-TAPs.
    Option Description
    Delete: delete button Click Delete to remove an S-TAP.

    Deleting S-TAPs is useful to clean up your display when you know that an S-TAP has become inactive, or when the Guardium unit is no longer listed as a host in the S-TAP's configuration file. In either of these cases, the S-TAP displays indefinitely with an offline status if you do not delete it.

    You cannot remove an active S-TAP from the list. Clicking delete does not stop an S-TAP from sending information, nor does it remove the Guardium host from the list of hosts stored in the S-TAP's configuration file.

    Refresh:refresh button Click Refresh to fetch a copy of the latest S-TAP configuration from the agent. (There is no auto-refresh of the S-TAP display.)
    Send Command: send button Opens the S-TAP Commands popup, where you can run various commands on the S-TAP host.
    • Restart: Restarts the S-TAP. Not usually needed, and if yes, it's easier to simply kill it from the database server.
    • S-TAP logging
    • Reinitialize buffer: reset the K-TAP statistics along with deleting the S-TAP buffer
    • KTAP logging: Similar to S-TAP Logging; increases the debug output from KTAP
    • Run Diagnostics: Run the S-TAP diagnostics script (and upload the results to the Guardium system)
    • Upload Linux Modules: Linux only. Uploads the local custom build module of K-TAP.
    • Record Replay Log: Records all data to a file on DB server (RECORD) and sends data to collector (REPLAY)
    • Revoke Ignore: All sessions ignored by a revokable ignore policy will be un-ignored and start capturing the traffic again for those sessions
    • Run Database Instance Discovery: Runs the discovery process, once immediately. (If enabled to run automatically, it runs, by default, every 24 hours.)
    Edit S-TAP configuration: edit icon Opens the S-TAP configuration window. Parameters that do not appear in the GUI are advanced parameters. Do not modify them if you are not an advanced user, or have not been instructed to modify them by Guardium Technical Support. See GUI parameters:
    Show S-TAP Event Log:info icon Click to open the S-TAP event log, where you can see events such as connect, disconnect, GIM server configuration, and so on. This log is very useful for troubleshooting.
    Add to Schedule checkbox Adds the individual S-TAP to the scheduled verification.
    Revoke All Ignored Sessions checkbox A database could be running many sessions, some of which are currently ignored. Clear this option to stop ignoring traffic from that server.