GuardAPI S-TAP® functions

Use these CLI commands to create, list, delete, restart, and set S-TAP functions.


Add an inspection engine to the specified S-TAP. S-TAP configurations can be modified only from the active Guardium® host for that S-TAP, and only when the S-TAP is online.

Parameter Value Description



Required. The host name or IP address of the database server on which the S-TAP is installed.



Required. The database protocol, which must be one of the these values:


DB2 Exit (DB2 version 10)










Teradata Exit (v10.1.3 and up)

Windows File Share

exclude IE

Windows S-TAP hosts can also use the following protocols:


named pipes



Required (integer). Starting port number of the range of listening ports that are configured for the database. (Do not use large inclusive ranges, as this degrades the performance of the S-TAP.)



Required (integer). Ending port number of the range of listening ports for the database.




Optional (integer). Not used for Windows. Under UNIX, replaced by the KTAP DB Real Port when the K-TAP monitoring mechanism is used. Required when the TEE monitoring mechanism is used. The Listen Port is the port on which the S-TAP listens for and accepts local database traffic. The Real Port is the port onto which S-TAP forwards traffic.



Optional (integer). The IP address for the S-TAP to use to connect to the database. Some databases accept local connection only on the “real” IP address of the machine, and not on the default (



Required. A list of Client IP addresses and corresponding masks to specify which clients to monitor. If the IP address is the same as the IP address for the database server, and a mask of is used, only local traffic is monitored. A client address/mask value of monitors all clients. (See the example.)



Optional. Activate ASO encrypted traffic where encryption=0 (no) or encryption=1 (yes).



Optional. A list of Client IP addresses and corresponding masks to specify which clients to exclude. This option enables you to configure the S-TAP to monitor all clients, except for a certain client or subnet (or a collection of these options).



For a Windows Server: For Oracle or MS SQL Server only, when named pipes are used. For Oracle, the list usually has two entries: oracle.exe,tnslsnr.exe. For MS SQL Server, the list is usually just one entry: sqlservr.exe.



Windows only. Specifies the name of a named pipe. If a named pipe is used, but nothing is specified here, the S-TAP retrieves the named pipe name from the registry.



Optional (integer). Not used for Windows. Under UNIX, used only when the K-TAP monitoring mechanism is used. Identifies the database port to be monitored by the K-TAP mechanism.



UNIX only. Enter the full path name for the database installation directory. For example: /home/oracle10



For a UNIX Server: For a DB2, Oracle, or Informix database, enter the full path name for the database executable. For example:


procNames   Optional





These three parameters are used for a DB2 inspection engine, only under the following conditions:

  • The DB2 server is running under Linux.

  • The K-TAP monitoring mechanism is installed.

  • Clients connect to DB2 using shared memory.

When these parameters are used, grdapi verifies only that the protocol is db2; it does not verify that the conditions have been met.

See the DB2 Linux S-TAP Configuration Parameters topic for a detailed explanation of how to use these parameters.



Optional (string). Used only for MSSQL or Oracle encrypted traffic. Either the MSSQL or ORACLE encryption flag must be turned on before this parameter can be used.



Informix Version.

ieIdentifier   Optional (string).
interceptTypes   Optional (string).


Optional parameter that specifies the target host(s) to execute the API. When not specified, it defaults to the unit on which command is executed. Valid values:
  • all_managed: for all managed units
  • all: all managed units and CM
  • group:<group name>: where group name is a group of managed units
  • from CM only, the host name or IP of any managed unit, for example, api_target_host=
  • from managed unit, the host name or IP of the CM

Guardium V10.1 and 10.1.2: In a central management configuration only, specifies a target host where the API will execute. On a Central Manager (CM) the value is the host name or IP of any managed units. On a managed unit it is the host name or IP of the CM.


grdapi create_stap_inspection_engine stapHost= protocol=Oracle portMin=1521 portMax=1521 dbInstallDir=/data/oracle10 procName=/data/oracle10/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/bin/oracle client= ktapDbPort=1521   

Sometimes, when adding an inspection engine, a false message of Configuration rejected by S-TAP- see S-TAP event log for details, is displayed even though the configuration was not rejected and installed correctly.

Client IP/mask is required for UNIX S-TAP, optional for Windows S-TAP.


Display the properties of all S-TAPs on the specified host, optionally for a specific database type only.

Parameter Value Description



Required. The host name or IP address of a database server on which S-TAPs are installed (and configured to report to this Guardium appliance).



Optional. If used, inspection engines for the specified database type only will be listed. Type must be one of the following:








Optional parameter that specifies the target host(s) to execute the API. When not specified, it defaults to the unit on which command is executed. Valid values:
  • all_managed: for all managed units
  • all: all managed units and CM
  • group:<group name>: where group name is a group of managed units
  • from CM only, the host name or IP of any managed unit, for example, api_target_host=
  • from managed unit, the host name or IP of the CM

Guardium V10.1 and 10.1.2: In a central management configuration only, specifies a target host where the API will execute. On a Central Manager (CM) the value is the host name or IP of any managed units. On a managed unit it is the host name or IP of the CM.

Example> grdapi list_inspection_engines stapHost= type=oracle


Stap Host: - Not Active

oracle Inspection Engines:

         name =ORACLE2

         type =ORACLE

         connect to IP=

         install dir = /home/oracle10

         exec file = /home/oracle10/product/10.2.0/db_1/bin/oracle-guard

         instance name = MSSQLSERVER

         encrypted = no

         port range = 1521 - 1521

tee listen port = null, tee rel port = 1521

                 client =

                 client =

         name =ORACLE3

         type =ORACLE

         connect to IP=

         install dir = /home/oracle9

         exec file = /home/oracle9/bin/oracle

         instance name = MSSQLSERVER

         encrypted = no

         port range = 1521 - 1521



Display the database servers from which S-TAPs report to this Guardium system, optionally listing only the servers that have S-TAPs for which this Guardium system is the active host (that is, the one to which the S-TAP is sending data and the one from which the S-TAP configuration can be modified).

Parameter Value Description



Optional (Boolean). Enter true, or omit this parameter, to list only those hosts having S-TAPs for which this Guardium system is the active host. Enter false to list all hosts on which S-TAPs have been configured to use this Guardium system as either a primary or secondary host.


Optional parameter that specifies the target host(s) to execute the API. When not specified, it defaults to the unit on which command is executed. Valid values:
  • all_managed: for all managed units
  • all: all managed units and CM
  • group:<group name>: where group name is a group of managed units
  • from CM only, the host name or IP of any managed unit, for example, api_target_host=
  • from managed unit, the host name or IP of the CM

Guardium V10.1 and 10.1.2: In a central management configuration only, specifies a target host where the API will execute. On a Central Manager (CM) the value is the host name or IP of any managed units. On a managed unit it is the host name or IP of the CM.

Example> grdapi list_staps onlyActive=false



stap host = FALCON

stap host =

stap host =

stap host =

stap host = jumbo



Remove an S-TAP inspection engine. This Guardium system must be the active host for the S-TAP from which the inspection engine will be removed.

Parameter Value Description



Required. The host name or IP address of the database server on which the S-TAP is installed.



Required. Identifies the type of inspection to be removed. Type must be one of the following:

Cassandra, CouchDB, DB2, DB2 Exit, FTP, GreenPlumDB, Hadoop, HTTP, iSERIES, Informix, KERBEROS, MongoDB, MS SQL, mssql-np, Mysql, Named Pipes, Netezza, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SAP Hana, Sybase, Teradata, Teradata Exit (v10.1.3 and up), or Windows File Share



Required (integer). The sequence number of the inspection engine to be removed within the set of inspection engines of the specified type. You can use the grdapi list_inspection_engines command with the type option first, to verify the sequence number of the inspection engine to be removed.



Optional. Specifies whether the API will wait for a response from the S-TAP. Valid values are 0 (do not wait) and 1 (wait for a response). The default is 1 when stapHost is a single host name or IP address and 0 in all other cases.


Optional parameter that specifies the target host(s) to execute the API. When not specified, it defaults to the unit on which command is executed. Valid values:
  • all_managed: for all managed units
  • all: all managed units and CM
  • group:<group name>: where group name is a group of managed units
  • from CM only, the host name or IP of any managed unit, for example, api_target_host=
  • from managed unit, the host name or IP of the CM

Guardium V10.1 and 10.1.2: In a central management configuration only, specifies a target host where the API will execute. On a Central Manager (CM) the value is the host name or IP of any managed units. On a managed unit it is the host name or IP of the CM.


grdapi delete_stap_inspection_engine stapHost= type=Oracle sequence=1   
Note: Sometimes, when deleting an inspection engine, a false message of Cannot remove Inspection Engine - the specified inspection engine is not found, is displayed even though the removal was successful.


Restart an S-TAP inspection engine.

Parameter Value Description



Required. The host name or IP address of the database server on which the S-TAP is installed.


Optional parameter that specifies the target host(s) to execute the API. When not specified, it defaults to the unit on which command is executed. Valid values:
  • all_managed: for all managed units
  • all: all managed units and CM
  • group:<group name>: where group name is a group of managed units
  • from CM only, the host name or IP of any managed unit, for example, api_target_host=
  • from managed unit, the host name or IP of the CM

Guardium V10.1 and 10.1.2: In a central management configuration only, specifies a target host where the API will execute. On a Central Manager (CM) the value is the host name or IP of any managed units. On a managed unit it is the host name or IP of the CM.


grdapi restart_stap stapHost= 


Filter log content by database, protocol, client information, instead of dumping all traffic to the log.

function parameters :

stapDebugInterval - required

stapDebugLevel - required

stapDebugOn - required

stapHost - required



Use this function to block unauthorized S-TAPs from connecting to the Guardium system.

If ON, then S-TAPs can not connect until they are specifically approved.

If an unapproved S-TAP connects, it is immediately disconnected until the specific authorization of the IP address of that S-TAP.

There is a pre-defined report for approved clients, Approved TAP clients. It is available on the Daily Monitor tab.


A valid IP address is required, not the host name.

The store_stap_approval command does not work within an environment where there is an IP load balancer.

Within a Central Managed environment, after adding the IP addresses to approved S-TAPs, there is a wait time associated with synchronization that might take up to an hour. After synchronization is complete, the status of the approved S-TAP will appear green in the GUI.

Function: store_stap_approval

function parameters :

isNeeded - Boolean - required

api_target_host - String


grdapi store_stap_approval ON | OFF

CLI command

store stap approval and show stap approval


Use this GuardAPI command to add an approved S-TAP client.

Use of this GuardAPI command does not restart the sniffer and does not affect already connected S-TAPs. This command affects only new S-TAP connections.

Function: add_approved_stap_client

function parameters :

stapHost - String - required

api_target_host - String


grdapi add_approved_stap_client <stapHost>


Use this GuardAPI command to list approved S-TAP clients.

Function: add_approved_stap_client

function parameters :

api_target_host - String


grdapi list_approved_stap_client


Use this GuardAPI command to list S-TAP verification results.

function parameters:

stapHost - String. The host name or IP address of the database server on which the S-TAP is installed.


grdapi list_stap_verification_results <stapHost>


Use this GuardAPI command to remove an approved S-TAP client.

Use of this GuardAPI command does not restart the sniffer and does not affect other already connected S-TAPs. This command affects only the specified S-TAP connections.

Function: add_approved_stap_client

function parameters :

stapHost - String - required

api_target_host - String


grdapi delete_approved_stap_client <stapHost - String - required>



function parameters :

ktapDebugInterval - required


stapHost - required



Display all the properties of all S-TAPs on the specified host.

Parameter Value Description


Required. The host name or IP address of a database server on which S-TAPs are installed and configured to report to this Guardium system, or a comma-separated list of host names or IP addresses. You can also use these values:
All S-TAPs that are configured to report to this Guardium system
All S-TAPs that are configured to report to this Guardium system and are running on Windows machines
All S-TAPs that are configured to report to this Guardium system and are running on UNIX machines
grdapi display_stap_config stapHost=myhost1,myhost2
grdapi display_stap_config stapHost=all_active


Update properties of all S-TAPs on the specified host.

Parameter Value Description
Required. The host name or IP address of a database server on which Guardium system, or a comma-separated list of host names or IP addresses. You can also use these values:
All S-TAPs that are configured to report to this Guardium system
All S-TAPs that are configured to report to this Guardium system and are running on Windows machines
All S-TAPs that are configured to report to this Guardium system and are running on UNIX machines
updateValue   Required. One or more key-value pairs, in this format: section.parameter_name:new_value. section indicates the section of the guard_tap.ini file in which the parameter is contained, and can be TAP or DB_x, where DB_x is a designation for an inspection engine that appears as a section header in the file. You can specify new values for multiple parameters by separating the entries with an ampersand (&) .
waitForResponse   Optional. Specifies whether the API will wait for a response from the S-TAP. Valid values are 0 (do not wait) and 1 (wait for a response). The default is 1 when stapHost is a single host name or IP address and 0 in all other cases.
grdapi update_stap_config stapHost=all_windows_active updateValue=TAP.XXXX


Use this command to verify the S-TAP inspection engine.

Parameter Value Description
addToSchedule   String. Constant values list; valid values are Yes and No.
datasourceName   String. If this parameter is specified, advanced verification is performed against the specified datasource. If this parameter is omitted, standard verification is performed.
sequence   Required. Integer. The sequence number of the existing inspection engine for verification. You can use the grdapi list_inspection_engines command with the type option first, to verify the sequence number of the inspection engine to be verified.
stapHost   Required. String. The host name or IP address of the database server on which the S-TAP is installed.
protocol   Required. The database protocol, which must be one of the these values: DB2, DB2 Exit (DB2 version 10), FTP, Informix, Kerberos, Mysql, Netezza, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Sybase, Teradata, Teradata Exit (v10.1.3 and up), exclude IE. Windows S-TAP hosts can also use the following protocols: MSSQL, named pipes.
grdapi verify_stap_inspection_engine_with_sequence stapHost=


This command revokes existing IGNORE S-TAP SESSION (REVOKABLE) policy rule actions that ignore S-TAP session traffic. This command only revokes soft ignore rules (marked as REVOKABLE) and cannot revoke hard rules (not marked as REVOKABLE).

Parameter Value Description
stapHost   Required. The host name or IP address of a database server on which S-TAPs are installed and configured to report to this Guardium system, or a comma-separated list of host names or IP addresses. You can also use these values:
All S-TAPs that are configured to report to this Guardium system
All S-TAPs that are configured to report to this Guardium system and are running on Windows machines
All S-TAPs that are configured to report to this Guardium system and are running on UNIX machines
Optional parameter that specifies the target host(s) to execute the API. When not specified, it defaults to the unit on which command is executed. Valid values:
  • all_managed: for all managed units
  • all: all managed units and CM
  • group:<group name>: where group name is a group of managed units
  • from CM only, the host name or IP of any managed unit, for example, api_target_host=
  • from managed unit, the host name or IP of the CM

Guardium V10.1 and 10.1.2: In a central management configuration only, specifies a target host where the API will execute. On a Central Manager (CM) the value is the host name or IP of any managed units. On a managed unit it is the host name or IP of the CM.


grdapi revoke_ignore_stap stapHost=myhost1


This command controls the logging parameters described below.

Syntax: grdapi set_stap_logging_config parameter=[parameter] value=[value].

Parameter Value Description

0 to disable

1 to enable

Parameter is disabled by default.

When enabled using log_db2z_target=1, targets in db2z protobuf message are logged to GDM_OBJECT in addition to objects from the parser.

0 to disable

1 to enable

Parameter is disabled by default.

When enabled using log_zkey_to_full_sql=1, VSAM or IMS Key values will be logged in the full SQL statement for policies using "Log full details."
grdapi set_ztap_logging_config parameter=log_db2z_target value=1

Show values: grdapi get_ztap_logging_config.