Data Privacy Data Tables

Data privacy data tables are available to clients who have an Optim™ Data Privacy License. These tables allow you to mask company and personal data — such as employee names, customer names, social security numbers, credit card numbers, and email addresses — to generate transformed data that is both unique and valid within the context of the application. Generally, these data privacy tables are loaded when you configure the first workstation, but you also can load them independently or when you configure an additional DB Alias.

You can use the data privacy data tables to:

  • Prevent internal privacy breaches by de-identifying or masking the data available to developers, quality assurance testers, and other personnel.
  • Improve privacy compliance initiatives by substituting customer data with contextually accurate, but fictionalized data.
  • Protect confidential customer information and employee data in your application development and testing environments.
  • Ensure valid test results by propagating masked elements across related tables to ensure the referential integrity of the database.

Users with an Optim Data Privacy License can use the Configuration Program to create the data privacy data tables. (See Load/Drop Data Privacy Tables.)