Sample Database Tables and Structure

Sample database tables and data are distributed on the installation DVD and are loaded during the configuration process.

Refer to Load/Drop Sample Data. As a group, the database tables include information on customers and orders, with shipping instructions. The sample tables also include information about sales and inventory. Minor differences in data types exist, depending upon the DBMS you use to install the sample tables. The following diagram shows the basic structure of the sample database.

Sample database structure diagram

This diagram shows the relationships among the tables, as follows:

  • Arrows indicate the flow from parent to child.
  • Solid lines represent relationships defined to the DBMS.
  • Dashed lines indicate relationships defined to the Optim Directory during training and demonstrations.
  • Dotted lines indicate Optim Extended Relationships. Extended relationships can emulate implicit, or application-managed, relationships in your database, allowing you to manipulate sets of relational data in the same manner as in your production environment.
  • Data is provided for all tables in the sample database shown in the diagram.

An additional set of tables is also installed with the sample database. Tables in the additional set have the same names as tables in the first set, with the suffix “2” appended. The four tables in this additional set are:


Tables in the additional set do not contain data. They are used to demonstrate the facilities in Optim.