Completing the postinstallation steps for IBM Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack

Complete the installation of IBM® Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack by completing the postinstallation steps.

Before you begin

Before you begin, complete the following task:


To complete the installation of IBM Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack, configure your integration nodes for use with IBM Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack, configure the "Web user interface and nodes for the Integration Bus component", and open the IBM Integration Toolkit by completing the following steps:

  1. For each integration node that you enable for IBM Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack, complete the following steps:
    1. Use one of the following options to set the profile:
      • Windows platformOn Windows, click Start > All Programs > IBM Integration Bus version > IBM Integration Console version, where version is the version number of IBM Integration Bus that you intend to use for IBM Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack.
      • Linux platformUNIX platformOn Linux and UNIX, initialize the command environment by loading the mqsiprofile command into your current environment. For more information, see Command environment: Linux and UNIX systems in the IBM Integration Bus documentation.
    2. Ensure that your integration node is stopped.
    3. Configure your integration node to use the mode extension for manufacturing:
      1. To start your integration node, in the IBM Integration console, type the following command:
        mqsistart integration_node
        where integration_node specifies the name of your integration node.
      2. To set the mode extensions for your integration node, in the IBM Integration console, type the following command:
        mqsimode integration_node -x manufacturing
        where integration_node specifies the name of your integration node, and -x specifies the mode extension to which the integration node is entitled. To run the mqsimode command with this set of parameters, you must be entitled to use IBM Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack.
    4. Check for error messages. For more information about how to resolve problems, see Resolving problems that occur during deployment of message flows in the IBM Integration Bus documentation.
    5. Restart your integration node:
      • To stop your integration node, in the IBM Integration console, enter the following command:
        mqsistop integration_node
      • To start your integration node, in the IBM Integration console, enter the following command:
        mqsistart integration_node
      where integration_node is the name of your integration node.
  2. If you want to use the web user interface and the nodes that are contained in IBM Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack and you are not using the default work path, complete the following steps:
    1. Use one of the following options to move the profile extension to your work path:
      • Windows platformOn Windows, move the C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\MQSI\Common\profiles\ManufacturingPack.cmd file to the your_work_path\Common\profiles\ folder, where your_work_path is your work path.
      • Linux platformUNIX platformOn Linux and UNIX, move the /var/mqsi/common/profiles/ file to the your_work_path/common/profiles/ directory, where your_work_path is your work path.
      For more information about the work path and how to find your work path, see Changing the location of the work path in the IBM Integration Bus documentation.
    2. Restart your integration node:
      • To stop your integration node, in the IBM Integration console, enter the following command:
        mqsistop integration_node
      • To start your integration node, in the IBM Integration console, enter the following command:
        mqsistart integration_node
      where integration_node is the name of your integration node.
  3. Windows platformOn Windows, if you install the "Pattern and nodes for the IBM Integration Toolkit" component, start the IBM Integration Toolkit with administrator authority by completing the following steps.
    Note: This step is required only the first time that you open the IBM Integration Toolkit.
    1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to your IBM Integration Toolkit installation directory. By default, this directory is C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\IntegrationToolkit90.
    2. Right-click launcher.bat and click Run as administrator.
  4. Before you can use the PI nodes in IBM Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack, you must install a supported PI SDK for the PI-Read node, or PI AF SDK for the PI-Input node. For more information about the PI SDK and PI AF SDK, see OSIsoft.

    You can deploy the PI-Read and PI-Input nodes on Windows only.

  5. If you want to use the MQTT nodes, you must install the MQTT connector on IBM Integration Bus by completing the following steps:
    1. Complete one of the following options:
      • In the IBM Integration Explorer, under your integration node, right-click Configurable Services and select Import *.configurableservice. Then navigate to installation_directory/runtime/MQTTConnector/mqttNode.configurableservice and click Open, where installation_directory is your IBM Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack installation directory.
        Note: If you do not see a Configurable Services option, ensure that your integration node is connected by right-clicking the integration node and selecting Connect.
      • In the command line, run the following command:
        mqsicreateconfigurableservice integration_node_name -c ConnectorProviders -o MQTTNode 
        -n connectorClassName,jarsURL,nativeLibs  
        -v "","installation_directory/runtime/MQTTConnector","default_Path"
        where integration_node_name is the name of your integration node and installation_directory is your IBM Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack installation directory.
    2. Restart your integration node.


The configuration tasks are complete.

What to do next

You can now verify that IBM Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack is installed correctly; see Verifying your installation of IBM Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack.
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		Last updated
	Last updated : 2016-07-30 06:30:49

Task topicTask topic | Version | ma00094