IBM Integration Bus, Version Operating Systems: AIX, HP-Itanium, Linux, Solaris, Windows, z/OS

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The ASBITSTREAM field function generates a bit stream for the subtree of a given field according to the rules of the parser that owns the field.

The ASBITSTREAM field function uses parameters supplied by the caller for:
  • Encoding
  • Message set
  • Message type
  • Message format
  • Options
The ASBITSTREAM function removes the limitation of the existing BITSTREAM function, which can be used only on a tree produced by a parser that belongs to an input node.

The BITSTREAM function is retained only for compatibility with earlier versions.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>-ASBITSTREAM -( -FieldReference--+------------------------------+--)-><
                                   | .-<<-----------------------. |      
                                   | V                          | |      

Note that each clause can occur once only.

ASBITSTREAM returns a value of type BLOB that contains a bitstream representation of the field that is pointed to by FieldReference and its children.

The algorithm for doing this varies from parser to parser, and according to the options specified. All parsers support the following modes:
  • RootBitStream, in which the algorithm that generates the bit stream is the same as the algorithm that is used by an output node. In this mode, a meaningful result is obtained only if the field pointed to is at the head of a subtree with an appropriate structure.
  • EmbeddedBitStream, in which not only is the algorithm that generates the bit stream the same as the algorithm used by an output node, but also the
    • Encoding
    • CCSID
    • Message set
    • Message type
    • Message format
    are determined, if not explicitly specified, in the same way as the output node. That is, they are determined by searching the previous siblings of FieldReference on the assumption that they represent headers.

    In this way, the algorithm for determining these properties is essentially the same as that used for the BITSTREAM function.

Some parsers also support another mode, FolderBitStream, which generates a meaningful bit stream for any subtree, provided that the field that is pointed to represents a folder.

In all cases, the bit stream obtained can be given to a CREATE statement with a PARSE clause, using the same DOMAIN and OPTIONS to reproduce the original subtree.

When the function is called, any clause expressions are evaluated. An exception is thrown if any of the expressions do not result in a value of the appropriate type.

If any parameter is NULL the result is NULL.

Clause Type Default value
OPTIONS Integer RootBitStream & ValidateNone
ENCODING Integer 0
CCSID Integer 0
SET Character Zero length string
TYPE Character Zero length string
FORMAT Character Zero length string

For details of the syntax of the TYPE clause, refer to Specifying namespaces in the Message property.

Although the OPTIONS clause accepts any expression that returns a value of type integer, it is only meaningful to generate option values from the list of supplied constants, using the BITOR function if more than one option is required.

The generated value becomes an integer and can be saved in a variable, passed as a parameter to a function, or used directly in an ASBITSTREAM call. The list of globally-defined constants is:
        Validate master options...
        ValidateValue		  -- Can be used with ValidateContent
        ValidateContent		-- Can be used with ValidateValue

        Validate failure action options...
  1. For full details of the validation options, refer to Validation properties.

C and Java™ equivalent APIs

Note that equivalent options are not available on:
  • The Java plugin node API MBElement methods createElementAsLastChildFromBitstream() and toBitstream()
  • The C plugin node API methods cniCreateElementAsLastChildFromBitstream() and cniElementAsBitstream.

Only one option from each group can be specified, with the exception of ValidateValue and ValidateContent, which can be used together to obtain the content and value validation. If you do not specify an option within a group, the option in bold is used.

The ENCODING clause accepts any expression that returns a value of type integer. However, it is only meaningful to generate encoding values from the list of supplied constants:
0 uses the queue manager's encoding.

The values that are used for the CCSID clause follow the normal numbering system. For example, 1200 = UCS-2, 1208 = UTF-8.

In addition the special values 0 and -1 are supported:
  • 0 uses the queue manager's CCSID
  • -1 uses the CCSID's as determined by the parser itself. This value is reserved.

For absent clauses, the given default values are used. Use the CCSID and encoding default values, because they take their values from the queue manager's encoding and CCSID settings.

Similarly, use the default values for each of the message set, type, and format options, because many parsers do not require message set, type, or format information; any valid value is sufficient.

When any expressions have been evaluated, the appropriate bit stream is generated.
Note: Because this function has a large number of clauses, an alternative syntax is supported in which the parameters are supplied as a comma-separated list rather than by named clauses. In this case, the expressions must be in the following order:

The list can be truncated at any point and you can use an empty expression for any clauses for which you do not supply a value.


      DECLARE options INTEGER BITOR(FolderBitStream, ValidateContent, 
      SET result = ASBITSTREAM(cursor OPTIONS options CCSID 1208);
      SET Result = ASBITSTREAM(Environment.Variables.MQRFH2.Data,,1208

ak05510_.htm | Last updated Friday, 21 July 2017