Configuring an integration server to send logging and statistics data to a Log Analysis service in IBM Cloud

You can configure integration servers to send logging data (BIP messages), Activity log data, resource statistics, and message flow statistics and accounting data to the Log Analysis service in IBM® Cloud, and then display the data in the IBM Integration Bus Kibana dashboard.

Before you begin

About this task

This topic describes how to configure your integration servers to send data to the Log Analysis service, and load the IBM Integration Bus Kibana dashboard into your IBM Cloud space. As part of this task, you must provide your IBM Cloud service credentials; your password is used only by the mqsichangebluemixreporting command, and it is not stored by IBM Integration Bus. However, if you would prefer not to provide your IBM Cloud service credentials directly, you can follow an alternative configuration procedure, as described in Configuring an integration server and loading the IBM Integration Bus Kibana dashboard (manual method).

To enable your IBM Integration Bus integration servers to send logging information (BIP messages) to the Log Analysis service, you use the mqsichangebluemixreporting command. If you want to send statistics and accounting data in addition to the logging information, you must then configure the collection and reporting of statistics and accounting data by using the mqsichangeflowstats command. If you want to send resource statistics, you must configure the collection and reporting of resource statistics by using the mqsichangeresourcestats and mqsichangeproperties commands. You can also configure your integration servers to send Activity Log data to the Log Analysis service, by using an ActivityLog configurable service.


Complete the following steps to configure an integration server to send logging information to Log Analysis, ready to be displayed in a Kibana dashboard in IBM Cloud:

  1. Run the mqsichangebluemixreporting command from the host machine that is running IBM Integration Bus (typically on-premise) to configure and activate the IBM Cloud reporting feature.
    You can configure either a specified integration server or all integration servers on a specified integration node.
    For example, the following command specifies that all integration servers (as specified by the -g parameter) on integration node myIntegrationNode1 will report to the Log Analysis service in the us-south region, for the specified user organization and space:
    mqsichangebluemixreporting myIntegrationNode1 -g -l active -r us-south 
    -o -a dev -u -p password1 
    You can set the logging status to active only if valid values are specified (or have been specified previously) for the following parameters:
    • -r region
    • -o organization
    • -a space
    • -u userName
    • -p password

    For more information about these parameters, see the mqsichangebluemixreporting command.

When you have enabled your integration servers to send logging information (BIP messages) to Log Analysis, you can optionally enable them to also send message flow statistics and accounting data and resource statistics data:

  1. Optional: To enable an integration server to send message flow statistics and accounting data, run the mqsichangeflowstats command, specifying bluemix as the output format in the -o parameter, and setting either the -a or -s parameter to active.
    For example, the following command turns on the collection of snapshot statistics data for all message flows in all integration servers for myIntegrationNode, and emits the data in bluemix format to the Log Analysis service:
    mqsichangeflowstats myIntegrationNode -s -g -j -c active -o bluemix  
    For more information, see mqsichangeflowstats command.
  2. Optional: To enable an integration server to send resource statistics data to Log Analysis, follow the steps in Managing resource statistics collection.
  3. Optional: To enable integration servers to send Activity Log data to Log Analysis, define a configurable service of type ActivityLog, and set the bluemixReporting property to true. For more information, see Reporting Activity Log data to IBM Cloud Log Analysis.
  4. Restart the integration node (or all the integration servers that you have configured) for the changes to take effect.
    When the reporting status is active, data for all configured integration servers on the specified integration node will be sent to Log Analysis. Alternatively, if you specified a named integration server (by using the -e parameter), data will be reported for that integration server only.

    The default interval for sending events to Log Analysis is 60 seconds, so there can be a delay of up to 60 seconds before you see events in the Kibana dashboard.

  5. Import the IBM Integration Bus Kibana dashboard into the Log Analysis service, by completing the following steps:
    1. Start your IBM Integration Bus integration servers.
    2. Login to your Log Analysis service using the same IBM Cloud credentials as used in Step 1 and, if necessary, switch to the same organization and space.
    3. Use the default Kibana views to ensure that logging events have been received from your configured servers. If there are no events, check your IBM Integration Bus local event log to see if there are any error messages. If there are errors, resolve them before continuing to the next step.
      The default interval for sending events to Log Analysis is 60 seconds, so there can be a delay of up to 60 seconds before you see events in the Kibana dashboard. By default, the Kibana dashboard shows events that it has received during the previous 15 minutes; if you do not see any events, you might consider increasing this time limit.
    4. Click the Kibana 5 tab, then click Settings.
    5. Click the first entry in the Index Pattern list, in the upper left corner of the window, to show the full index and reveal the action buttons.
    6. Click Reload field list and then click OK.
    7. Review the field list and ensure that it contains entries for IBM Integration Bus, such as ibm_messageId.
    8. Select the Discover tab under Kibana 5.
    9. Click the Load saved search (open folder) button, then Manage searches. Navigate to the BluemixReporting subdirectory of the work path directory (as defined by the MQSI_WORKPATH environment variable), and then the integration node subdirectory. For example, C:\ProgramData\IBM\MQSI\BluemixReporting\myIntegrationNode. This folder contains your prepared IBM Integration Bus dashboard files.
    10. Select the file IIB_K5_query_< Bluemix space identifier >.json and import it.
    11. Select the Visualize tab under Kibana 5.
    12. Click Manage searches and navigate to the folder contains your prepared IBM Integration Bus dashboard files.
      To find these files, go to the BluemixReporting subdirectory of the work path directory (defined by the MQSI_WORKPATH environment variable), and then the integration node subdirectory. For example, C:\ProgramData\IBM\MQSI\BluemixReporting\myIntegrationNode. This folder contains your prepared IBM Integration Bus dashboard files.
    13. Select the file IIB_K5_visuals_< Bluemix space identifier >.json and import it.
    14. Select the Dashboard tab under Kibana 5.
    15. Click Manage searches and navigate to the folder contains your prepared IBM Integration Bus dashboard files.
      To find these files, go to the BluemixReporting subdirectory of the work path directory (defined by the MQSI_WORKPATH environment variable), and then the integration node subdirectory. For example, C:\ProgramData\IBM\MQSI\BluemixReporting\myIntegrationNode. This folder contains your prepared IBM Integration Bus dashboard files.
    16. Select the file IIB_K5_dashboard_< Bluemix space identifier >.json and import it.
  6. You can now view the data from your configured and restarted integration servers, by logging into the Log Analysis service and opening the IBM Integration Bus Kibana dashboard. For more information, see Viewing logging and statistics information in the IBM Integration Bus Kibana dashboard in IBM Cloud.

What to do next

You can stop sending logging, statistics, and accounting data at any time by setting the -l parameter to inactive and then restarting the integration server.

You can view the current configuration that has been set for reporting logging, statistics, and accounting data, by using the mqsireportbluemixreporting command.