Downloading and installing the unrestricted JCE policy files

The version of Java that was provided with IBM® Integration Bus (IIB) before Version has limited encryption key sizes that can be used. To be able to successfully convert signed client certificates or sign a server Certificate Signing Request for use in IBM Integration Bus, you must replace the bundled encryption policy files with the unrestricted files that are published by IBM.

About this task

Note: IBM Integration Bus Version and later fix packs contain the unrestricted policy files, so you do not need to complete this task.
This update to security JAR files is required for IIBM Integration Bus before Version to connect to various services. If you do not complete the upgrade, IBM Integration Bus might fail to connect to the service and display an error similar to the one shown in the following example:
BIP3165E: An error occurred whilst performing an SSL socket operation. Operation: 'connect'. 
Error Text: ' RSA premaster secret error'.


Complete the following steps to update your security JAR files:

  1. Go to
  2. Provide your IBM ID and password and click Sign in. You might need to register with IBM to download the files.
  3. Select Unrestricted SDK JCE Policy files for older versions of the SDK and then click Continue.
  4. View the license agreement and then select I Agree.
  5. Click Download Now.
  6. Install the files:
    1. Extract the file into a directory of your choice.
    2. Copy the JAR files to your IBM Integration Bus runtime installation at:
      • Windows: %MQSI_BASE_FILEPATH%\common\jdk\jre\lib\security
      • Unix: $MQSI_BASE_FILEPATH/common/jdk/jre/lib/security
  7. Restart the integration server.