mqsiaddbrokerinstance command - Linux and UNIX systems

Use the mqsiaddbrokerinstance command to add a multi-instance integration node on Linux® and UNIX systems.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagrammqsiaddbrokerinstance integrationNodeName  -e   sharedWorkpath  -w  Workpath 


(Required) The name of the integration node instance that you are adding. You must specify the name as the first parameter and the name is case-sensitive. The integration node instance name must match that of a multi-instance enabled integration node previously created using the mqsicreatebroker command.

For restrictions on the character set that you can use, see Characters allowed in object names.

-e sharedWorkpath
(Required) The value represents the directory in which globally accessible working files for this integration node are located in shared network storage (NFS or NAS).

You must ensure the integration node has access to this network storage location before you start the integration node, and that the queue manager for the integration node has been configured as a WebSphere® MQ multi-instance queue manager.

The information stored in this shared directory includes:
  • The integration node registry
  • Component directories
  • Internal integration node tables and files for deployed message flows
  • Configurable service properties.
-w Workpath
(Optional) The directory in which working files specific to this integration node instance are stored locally on the server where the integration node instance is going to run. If you do not specify this parameter, files are stored in the default Work path, which is the one you specified when the product was installed. If you specify this parameter, you must create this directory before you start the integration node.

This directory is also used for trace records that are created when tracing is active. These records are written to a subdirectory, log, which you must create before you start the integration node.

Error logs that are written by the integration node when a process ends abnormally are stored in this directory.

The error log is unbounded and continues to grow. Check this directory periodically and clear out old error information.

You cannot change this parameter by using the mqsichangebroker command. To specify or change the work path, delete and re-create the integration node.

Specifying this parameter creates a separate working directory for the integration node. This working directory is a subset of the default working directory structure that contains fewer subdirectories and no common\profiles subdirectory.