
cciRegisterUserExit is a utility function that can be called by the user's code when bipInitializeUserExits is called.

This function is called by the user's code if the user wants to register functions to be called every time certain events occur.


typedef struct cci_UEVft {
    int     reserved;
    char    StrucId[4];
    int     Version;
    cciInputMessageCallback      iFpInputMessageCallback;
    cciTransactionEventCallback  iFpTransactionEventCallback;
    cciPropagatedMessageCallback iFpPropagatedMessageCallback;
    cciNodeCompletionCallback    iFpNodeCompletionCallback;
    cciOutputMessageCallback     iFpOutputMessageCallback;


void cciRegisterUserExit (
  int*                             returnCode,
  CciChar*                         name,
  CciDataContext*                  userContext,
  CCI_UE_VFT*                      functionTable);


returnCode (output)
Requires the return code from the function. Possible values are:

    The specified name matches the name of a user exit previously registered in the current integration server.


    The specified name was invalid. This can be caused if a NULL pointer, empty string or a string containing non-alphanumeric characters was specified.

Name (input)
This parameter must contain a pointer to a NULL-terminated string of CciChars specifying a name for the user exit. The name must be unique across all user exits that can be installed on the same integration node. This name is used to identify the user exit in, for example:
  • User Trace messages
  • Exceptions or syslog messages
  • Administration commands (for example, mqsichangeflowuserexits)
The name has the following restrictions:
  • It must consist of alphanumeric characters only.
  • It must be no greater than 255 characters.
  • The name must be unique across all user exits that can be installed on the same integration node.
userContext (input)
This parameter allows the caller to provide a context pointer that is passed to the callback function when it is called. This parameter can be NULL.
functionTable (input)
This parameter is a pointer to a struct whose fields must contain either pointers to functions matching the correct signatures or contain NULL. A NULL value for any of these fields indicates that the user exit must not be called for that event.

Initialize the structure by using the define CCI_UE_VFT_DEFAULT, which sets the version as CCI_UE_VFT_CURRENT_VERSION. The cciOutputMessageCallback was added at version 2, CCI_UE_VFT_VERSION_2.

Return values

None. If an error occurs, the returnCode parameter indicates the reason for the error.


extern "C"{

void bipInitializeUserExits(){

  int rc = CCI_SUCCESS;
  myVft.iFpInputMessageCallback      = myInputMessageCallback;
  myVft.iFpTransactionEventCallback  = myTransactionEventCallback;
  myVft.iFpPropagatedMessageCallback = myPropagatedMessageCallback;
  myVft.iFpNodeCompletionCallback    = myNodeCompletionCallback;
  myVft.iFpOutputMessageCallback     = myOutputMessageCallback;

  /*you should now check the rc for unexpected values*/

}/*end of extern "C" */