Creating the user-defined node plug-in files

Create the files that contain the message processing logic, for user-defined nodes created in Java™ and C only.

Before you begin

Complete the task following task: Creating a user-defined node project.

About this task


  1. Launch the wizard by clicking File > New > User-defined Node.
    The New User-defined Node window opens.
  2. Select the parent folder for the node from the list of names that are displayed.
    This folder is the project that you created to contain this node.
  3. Specify a schema for this node.
    You must not use the default schema or any other common schema, such as mqsi.
  4. Specify a name for the node.
    The name must be the name of the node, excluding the Node at the end.
    For example, if you have created a node called BasicNode, the node name must be Basic.
  5. Click Finish.
    A .msgnode file for the new node is created and is added to the project in the Application Development view. The .msgnode file is opened in the Message Node editor.

What to do next

When you have completed this task, define the node properties, see Defining the node properties.