Local environment overrides for the SOAPReply node

You can dynamically override set values in the local environment in the same way as setting values in other elements of a message.

Other local environment overrides are available for WS-Addressing. See WS-Addressing with the SOAPReply node.

You can set the following HTTP properties in the SOAPReply node under LocalEnvironment.Destination.SOAP.Reply.Transport.HTTP.AsyncReply. These properties apply only when you make an HTTP reply with WS-Addressing. You can switch between HTTP and JMS transport using the WS-Addressing To field; see WS-Addressing information in the local environment.
Setting Description
HTTPVersion Overrides the HTTPVersion. For example:
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.SOAP.Reply.Transport.HTTP.AsyncReply.HTTPVersion = 
Method Overrides the reply message Method. For example:
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.SOAP.Reply.Transport.HTTP.AsyncReply.Method = 'GET';
ProxyConnectHeaders Specifies additional headers that are used if the outbound request is an SSL connection through a proxy. These additional headers are sent with the initial CONNECT request to the proxy. For example, you can send proxy authentication information to a proxy server when you are using SSL. You can send multiple headers but each one must be separated by a carriage return and a line feed (ASCII 0x0D 0x0A), in accordance with RFC2616; for example:
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.SOAP.Reply.Transport.HTTP.AsyncReply.ProxyConnectHeaders =
'Proxy-Authorization: Basic Zm5lcmJsZTpwYXNzd29yZA==' || CRLF || 
'Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive' || CRLF;
This setting is used only if the request is an SSL request through a proxy server. To send proxy authentication information for a non-SSL request, specify the individual headers in the HTTPRequestHeader folder, as shown in the following example:
SET OutputRoot.HTTPReplyHeader."Proxy-Authorization" = 'Basic Zm5lcmJsZTpwYXNzd29yZA==';
SET OutputRoot.HTTPReplyHeader."Proxy-Connection" = 'Keep-Alive';
ProxyURL Overrides the reply message HTTP(S) proxy location. For example:
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.SOAP.Reply.Transport.HTTP.AsyncReply.ProxyURL = 
RequestURI Overrides the reply message RequestURI, which is the path after the URL and port. For example:
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.SOAP.Reply.Transport.HTTP.AsyncReply.RequestURI = 
SSLCiphers Overrides the reply message Allowed SSL Ciphers (if using SSL). For example:
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.SOAP.Reply.Transport.HTTP.AsyncReply.SSLCiphers = 
SSLProtocol Overrides the reply message SSLProtocol. For example:
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.SOAP.Reply.Transport.HTTP.AsyncReply.SSLProtocol = 

Valid values are SSL, SSLv3, and TLS.

Note: SSLv3 is disabled by default in IBM® Integration Bus Version 10.0, because SSLv3 is no longer considered secure; see Migrating a flow that uses SSLv3 for more information.
Timeout Overrides the reply message Request timeout (in seconds). For example:
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.SOAP.Reply.Transport.HTTP.AsyncReply.Timeout = 42;
WebServiceURL Overrides the reply message Web service URL. For example:
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.SOAP.Reply.Transport.HTTP.AsyncReply.WebServiceURL = 

You can set the following certificate revocation list (CRL) property in the SOAPReply node under LocalEnvironment.Destination.SOAP.Request.Transport.

Setting Description
EnableCRLCheck Sets CRL checking on (TRUE) or off (FALSE) . For example:
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.SOAP.Request.Transport.HTTP.EnableCRLCheck , value=TRUE;
You can set the following JMS properties in the SOAPReply node under LocalEnvironment.Destination.SOAP.Reply.Transport.JMS. These properties apply only when you make a JMS reply with WS-Addressing. You can switch between HTTP and JMS transport using the WS-Addressing To field; see WS-Addressing information in the local environment.
Setting Description
BindingsLocation Overrides the reply message JNDI URL bindings location. For example:
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.SOAP.Reply.Transport.JMS.JNDI.BindingsLocation = 
ConnectionFactoryName Overrides the reply message Connection factory name. For example:
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.SOAP.Reply.Transport.JMS.JNDI.ConnectionFactoryName = 
ContextParameters Overrides the reply message JNDI context parameters. You can override specific JNDI context parameters, for example:
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.SOAP.Reply.Transport.JMS.JNDI.ContextParameters.foo = 
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.SOAP.Reply.Transport.JMS.JNDI.ContextParameters.foo2 = 
CorrelationID Sets the reply message CorrelID. For example:
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.SOAP.Reply.Transport.JMS.CorrelationID  = 
Destination Overrides the reply message Destination. For example:
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.SOAP.Reply.Transport.JMS.Destination = 
DeliveryMode Overrides the reply message DeliveryMode. For example:
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.SOAP.Reply.Transport.JMS.DeliveryMode = 
Allowed values for this property are PERSISTENT and NON_PERSISTENT. If the UriFormat is ibm, 1 and 0 are additional allowed values for DeliveryMode.
Expiration Overrides the reply message Expiration. This property is specified in milliseconds. For example, to set an expiration of 100 milliseconds:
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.SOAP.Reply.Transport.JMS.Expiration = 
InitialContextFactory Overrides the reply message Initial context factory. For example:
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.SOAP.Reply.Transport.JMS.JNDI.InitialContextFactory = 
MessagePriority Overrides the reply message MessagePriority. For example:
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.SOAP.Reply.Transport.JMS.MessagePriority = 
MessageType Overrides the reply message MessageType. For example:
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.SOAP.Reply.Transport.JMS.MessageType = 
Allowed values for this property are text and bytes.
ProviderName Overrides the reply message JMS provider name. For example:
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.SOAP.Reply.Transport.JMS.ProviderName = 
'WebSphere MQ';
TransactionMode Overrides the Transaction mode property on the node. For example:
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.SOAP.Reply.Transport.JMS.TransactionMode = 'Yes';
Allowable values for this property are Yes, No and ForceLocal.
  • No means that no transaction takes place, and is equivalent to None.
  • Yes means that a local transaction takes place if the flow's Coordinated Transaction is not selected, or an XA coordinated transaction takes place if the flow's Coordinated Transaction property is selected.
  • ForceLocal means that a local transaction is always used, even if the flow's Coordinated Transaction property is selected.
UriFormat Overrides the reply message UriFormat. For example:
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.SOAP.Reply.Transport.JMS.UriFormat  = 
Allowable values for this property are w3c and ibm.
UserProperties Overrides the User Context Parameters on the node. You can override specific user context parameters, for example:
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.SOAP.Reply.Transport.JMS.JNDI.UserProperties.property1 = 
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.SOAP.Reply.Transport.JMS.JNDI.UserProperties.property2 = 
Setting Description
OneWay Instructs the node that the inbound message was a one-way message. The node resources are cleared because no reply message is needed. For example:
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.SOAP.Reply.Gateway.OneWay = True
Additionally, if the inbound message used HTTP transport, the node sends an acknowledgment HTTP 202 message.

For more information, see One-way messages in Gateway mode.