CURVEFIT is available in Statistics Base Edition

CURVEFIT fits selected curves to a line plot, allowing you to examine the relationship between one or more dependent variables and one independent variable. CURVEFIT also fits curves to time series and produces forecasts, forecast errors, lower confidence limits, and upper confidence limits.

CURVEFIT VARIABLES= varname [WITH varname]




          [LGSTIC] [ALL]]

 [/CIN={95** }]

              {n   }

 [/{CONSTANT† }  

        {NONE }

 [/ID = varname]



 [/APPLY [='model name'] [{SPECIFICATIONS}]]
                          {FIT           } 


**Default if the subcommand is omitted.

†Default if the subcommand is omitted and there is no corresponding specification on the TSET command.

This command reads the active dataset and causes execution of any pending commands. See the topic Command Order for more information.

Syntax for the CURVEFIT command can be generated from the Curve Estimation dialog.

Release History

Release 19.0

  • TEMPLATE subcommand introduced.
