Export Options (Python)

Export options are retrieved from the GetExportOption method of the SpssClient class and set from the SetExportOption method of that class. The option identifiers have the form SpssClient.ExportOptions.<option>, where the available option values are listed below--for example, SpssClient.ExportOptions.GraphExportType. All of the settings are strings.

Table 1. Specifications for export options
Option Valid Settings
ObjectsToExport "all", "visible", "selected"
DocExportType "excel", "html", "pdf", "plain", "utf8", "utf16", "word_rtf", "none" (graphics only)
DocFilePath Export document file path
GraphExportType "bmp", "emf", "eps", "jpg", "png", "tiff"
GraphFilePath Export graph file path
XLSLayers "all", "honor" (honors print layer setting), "visible"
XLSFootnotes "No", "Yes"
HTMLayers "all", "honor" (honors print layer setting), "visible"
HTMFootnotes "No", "Yes"
WordRTFLayers "all", "honor" (honors print layer setting), "visible"
WordRTFFootnotes "No", "Yes"
TXTPlainTabsOrSpaces "tabs", "spaces"
TXTPlainColumnWidthType "autofit", "custom"
TXTPlainNoOfChars Character representation of integer
TXTPlainRowBorderChar Row border character
TXTPlainColBorderChar Column border character
TxtPlainLayersInPivotTable "all", "honor" (honors print layer setting), "visible"
TXTPlainFootnoteCaption "No", "Yes"
TXTPlainInsertPageBreak "No", "Yes"
TXTUTF8TabsOrSpaces "tabs", "spaces"
TXTUTF8ColumnWidthType "autofit", "custom"
TXTUTF8NoOfChars Character representation of integer
TXTUTF8RowBorderChar Row border character
TXTUTF8ColBorderChar Column border character
TxtUTF8LayersInPivotTable "all", "honor" (honors print layer setting), "visible"
TXTUTF8FootnoteCaption "No", "Yes"
TXTUTF8InsertPageBreak "No", "Yes"
TXTUTF16TabsOrSpaces "tabs", "spaces"
TXTUTF16ColumnWidthType "autofit", "custom"
TXTUTF16NoOfChars Character representation of integer
TXTUTF16RowBorderChar Row border character
TXTUTF16ColBorderChar Column border character
TxtUTF16LayersInPivotTable "all", "honor" (honors print layer setting), "visible"
TXTUTF16FootnoteCaption "No", "Yes"
TXTUTF16InsertPageBreak "No", "Yes"
PDFOptimize "No", "Yes"
PDFEmbedBookmarks "No", "Yes"
PDFEmbedFonts "No", "Yes"
PDFLayers "all", "honor" (honors print layer setting), "visible"
JPEGSize Character representation of image size in percent
JPEGGreyScale "No", "Yes"
BMPSize Character representation of image size in percent
BMPCompressImage "no", "yes"
PNGSize Character representation of image size in percent
PNGColorDepth "current" (current screen depth), "bw" (black and white), "256gray", "16color", "256color", "24bit" (true color), "32bit" (true color)
TIFSize Character representation of image size in percent
EPSSize "physical_size" (same aspect ratio), "current_size"
EPSPercent Character representation of image size in percent. Applies to "current_size".
EPSWidthPoints Character representation of image width in points. Applies to "physical_size".
EPSPreviewImage "no", "yes"
EPSFont "replace_font", "use_font_ref"