What's new in version 26?

IBM SPSS Statistics 26.0 Fix Pack 1

Analyze procedures
ROC Analysis
The CLASSIFIER keyword was added to the PRINT subcommand. The keyword controls the display of the Classifier Evaluation Metrics table in the output. The table shows how well a classification model fits the data compared to a random assignment. For more information, see ROC Analysis: Display.
Performance enhancements
  • Memory consumption has been improved when performing transformations.
  • Application start time is now improved on Microsoft Windows machines.
  • Improved support for importing Cognos BI data into the application.
  • Support for the Microsoft Access database with the Office 2016 drivers.

IBM SPSS Statistics 26.0

Analyze procedures
Quantile Regression
Models the relationship between a set of predictor (independent) variables and specific percentiles (or "quantiles") of a target (dependent) variable, most often the median. For more information, see Quantile Regression.
Quantile regression makes no assumptions about the distribution of the target variable, tends to resist the influence of outlying observations, and is widely used for researching in industries such as ecology, healthcare, and financial economics.
ROC Analysis
Assesses the accuracy of model predictions by plotting sensitivity versus (1-specificity) of a classification test (as the threshold varies over an entire range of diagnostic test results). ROC Analysis supports the inference regarding a single AUC, precision-recall (PR) curves, and provides options for comparing two ROC curves that are generated from either independent groups or paired subjects. For more information, see ROC Analysis.
Bayesian Statistics
One-way Repeated Measures ANOVA
This new procedure measures one factor from the same subject at each distinct time point or condition, and allows subjects to be crossed within the levels. It is assumed that each subject has a single observation for each time point or condition (as such, the subject-treatment interaction is not accounted for).
One Sample Binomial enhancements.
The procedure provides options for executing Bayesian one-sample inference on Binomial distribution. The parameter of interest is π, which denotes the probability of success in a fixed number of trials that may lead to either success or failure. Note that each trial is independent of each other, and the probability π remains the same in each trial. A binomial random variable can be seen as the sum of a fixed number of independent Bernoulli trials.
One Sample Poisson enhancements
The procedure provides options for executing Bayesian one-sample inference on Poisson distribution. Poisson distribution, a useful model for rare events, assumes that within small time intervals, the probability of an event to occur is proportional to the length of waiting time. A conjugate prior within the Gamma distribution family is used when drawing Bayesian statistical inference on Poisson distribution.
Reliability Analysis
The procedure had been updated to provide options for Fleiss' Multiple Rater Kappa statistics that assess the interrater agreement to determine the reliability among the various raters. A higher agreement provides more confidence in the ratings reflecting the true circumstance. The Fleiss' Multiple Rater Kappa options are available in the Reliability Analysis: Statistics dialog.
Command enhancements
  • Long variable names (up to 64 bytes) can be used to name a matrix or vector name (such as COMPUTE, CALL, PRINT, READ, WRITE, GET, SAVE, MGET, MSAVE, DISPLAY, RELEASE, and so on).
  • Variable names that are included in a vector or matrix object are truncated to 8 bytes. This is because the matrix/vector structure is an array of numbers, and each number can match a string only up to 8 bytes. Long names (up to 64 bytes) are supported only when explicitly specified.
  • Long variable names are supported in GET and SAVE commands when explicitly specified on the /VARIABLES subcommand (and when specified on the /STRINGS subcommand for the SAVE command). Variable names for GET and SAVE commands are truncated to 8 bytes when they are referenced through a vector in the /NAMES subcommand.
  • The GET, SAVE, MGET, or MSAVE statements support both dataset references and physical file specifications.
  • MATRIX-END MATRIX now supports statistical functions that were previously only supported by the COMPUTE command (for example IDF.CHISQ, CDF.NORMAL, NCDF.F, and so on).
  • New Covariance Type structures ARH1 & CSH, Random Effects. The CSH and ARH1 options were added to the /RANDOM subcommand (keyword COVARIANCE_TYPE).
  • New Covariance Type structures ARH1 & CSH, Repeated Effects. The CSH and ARH1 options were added to the /DATA_STRUCTURE subcommand (keyword COVARIANCE_TYPE).
  • Kenward - Roger Degree of Freedom method. The KENWARD_ROGER option was added to the /BUILD_OPTIONS subcommand (keyword DF_METHOD).
  • Kronecker Covariance types. The options UN_AR1, UN_CS, UN_UN were added to the /DATA_STRUCTURE subcommand (keyword COVARIANCE_TYPE).
  • New KRONECKER_MEASURES keyword. The keyword is used for specifying a list of variables for the /DATA_STRUCTURE subcommand. The keyword should be used only when COVARIANCE_TYPE is one of three Kronecker types. The rules for KRONECKER_MEASURES are the same as for REPEATED_MEASURES. When both specifications are in effect, they may or may not have common fields, but cannot be exactly the same (regardless of whether they are in the same order).
MIXED command
  • DFMETHOD keyword introduced on the CRITERIA subcommand.
  • KRONECKER keyword added to the REPEATED subcommand. The keyword should be used only when COVTYPE is one of three following Kronecker types.
  • UN_AR1, UN_CS, and UN_UN options added to the COVTYPE keyword on the REPEATED subcommand.
You can use the INSERT HIDDEN feature in the Production Facility command line interface to submit jobs to the SPSS® Statistics Server. When the Production Facility command line interface is used in conjunction with the Microsoft Windows Task Scheduler/MacOS Automator for scheduling jobs, you can effectively replace IBM® SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services for processing SPSS Statistics jobs.