Selecting Maps (Geospatial Modeling Wizard)

Geospatial modeling can use one or more map data sources. Map data sources contain information that defines geographic areas and other geographic features, such as roads or rivers. Many map sources also contain demographic or other descriptive data and event data such as crime reports or unemployment rates. You can use a previously defined map specification file or define map specifications here and save those specifications for subsequent use.

Load a Map Specification
Loads a previously defined map specification (.mplan) file. Map data sources that you define here can be saved in a map specification file. For spatial temporal prediction, if you select a map specification file that identifies more than one map, you are prompted to select one map from the file.
Add Map File
Add an ESRI shape (.shp) file or .zip archive that contains an ESRI shape file.
  • There must be a corresponding .dbf file in the same location as the .shp file, and that file must have the same root name as the .shp file.
  • If the file is a .zip archive, the .shp and .dbf files must have the same root name as the .zip archive.
  • If there is no corresponding projection (.prj) file, you are prompted to select a projection system.
For geospatial association rules, this column defines how events relate to the features in the map. This setting is not available for spatial temporal prediction.
Move up, Move down
The layer order of the map elements is determined by the order in which they appear in the list. The first map in the list is the bottom layer.