Scatterplot Matrix

  1. Select at least two Matrix Variables. These variables must be numeric but should not be in date format.
  2. You may select a variable and move it into the Set Markers By field. Each value of this variable is marked by a different symbol on the scatterplot. This variable may be numeric or string.
  3. You can select a numeric or a string variable and move it into the Label Cases By field. You can label points on the plot with this variable.
    • If selected, the value labels (or values if no labels are defined) of this variable are used as point labels.
    • If you do not select a variable to label cases by, case numbers can be used to label outliers and extremes.

    To panel the chart, move one or more categorical variables into the Panel By group. See the topic Paneled Charts for more information.

  4. Click Options to specify the treatment of missing values in your data and control whether labels are to be displayed for points on the plot.
  5. Click Titles to define lines of text to be placed at the top or bottom of the plot.