RBF is available in SPSS® Statistics Premium Edition or the Neural Network option.

The RBF procedure fits a radial basis function neural network, which is a feedforward, supervised learning network with an input layer, a hidden layer called the radial basis function layer, and an output layer. The hidden layer transforms the input vectors into radial basis functions. Like the MLP (multilayer perceptron) procedure, the RBF procedure performs prediction and classification.

RBF dependent variable [(MLEVEL = {S})] [dependent variable...]

    [BY factor list] [WITH covariate list]


                       {NORMALIZED    }                 {NORMALIZED    }
                       {ADJNORMALIZED }                 {ADJNORMALIZED }
                       {NONE          }                 {NONE          }

[/PARTITION {TRAINING = {70**  } TESTING = {30**  } HOLDOUT = {0**   }}]
                        {number}           {number}           {number}
            {VARIABLE = varname                                       }

                             {integer}            {integer} 
                {NUMUNITS = integer                         }

               [HIDDENFUNCTION = {NRBF**}]]
                                 {ORBF  }


                        {INCLUDE  }


       [GAIN]  [LIFT]  [NONE]]

[/SAVE [PREDVAL[(varname [varname...])]]

       [PSEUDOPROB[(rootname[:{25     }] [rootname...])]]]

[/OUTFILE MODEL = 'file' ['file'...]]

** Default if the subcommand or keyword is omitted.

This command reads the active dataset and causes execution of any pending commands. See the topic Command Order for more information.

Syntax for the RBF command can be generated from the Radial Basis Function dialog.

Release History

Release 16.0


RBF dep_var BY A B C WITH X Y Z.